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"Getting To Yes" CMA Workshops -Free NFP Offer

30 January 2006 at 12:01 pm
Staff Reporter
National Corporate training and coaching organisation CMA wants to help Not for Profits improve their negotiating skills…and they are offering free workshops to Pro Bono Australia readers to help them!

Staff Reporter | 30 January 2006 at 12:01 pm


"Getting To Yes" CMA Workshops -Free NFP Offer
30 January 2006 at 12:01 pm

National Corporate training and coaching organisation CMA wants to help Not for Profits improve their negotiating skills…and they are offering free workshops to Pro Bono Australia readers to help them!

CMA’s policy is to donate services to the value of a percentage of its business revenue. As a result it invites Not for Profits to regular workshops

The workshops would usually be charged to businesses at a cost of $1350 per person. CMA charges no fee to NFP workshops which usually attract 20-30 people each.

There is no catch and no follow up and CMA is making its exclusive workshop offer to Pro Bono Australia readers. To date, participants have been invited on the basis of nominations by its clients and staff.

The upcoming 2-day NFP workshop – ‘Getting to Yes’ – delivers a systematic framework for the development of principled, non-adversarial skills in negotiation.

The feedback from NFP representatives in the past has been resoundingly appreciative with expectations well exceeded.

The theory on which the workshop is based was developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project, and is the underpinning philosophy that CMA uses as a business consultancy and training service.

CMA aims to offer skills which make a real difference to the individuals who attend as well as organisations they work in. They leave the workshops with an understanding of how to create better relationships and communicate within them, including the world of fundraising, stakeholder management… any key relationship management.

There will be four 2006 ‘charity’ workshops at the Melbourne CMA training centre, the first of which is scheduled for 5 & 6 April 2006.

Organisations that have taken part in previous workshops include the Royal Children’s Hospital, Diabetes Foundation, Jewish Care, Paraquad, Open Family, Wheels4Fortune, Kidney Australia, and Melbourne CityMission.

If you would like the chance to take up one of the 20+ places in the first free workshop in April just send an email with the words “Pro Bono CMA workshop offer’ in the subject line to Tahli Engel.

Tags : Training,


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