FIA Conference- Register Now - Advertorial
13 February 2006 at 12:02 pm
Register now for the Fundraising Institute Australia’s 29th International Fundraising Conference to be held on 25-28 February 2006, at the Sofitel Wentworth, in Sydney.
Three of the pre-conference Masterclasses have sold out. Over 400 delegates have already registered and the exhibition booths are all filled up! Can you afford to miss 2006’s best professional development experience?
If you work in the Not for Profit area, are a manager, fundraiser or development professional, then FIA’s 29th International Fundraising Conference is the one for you.
The 2006 conference program includes over 45 sessions and more than 70 International and Australian presenters, catering for various levels of experience and diverse areas of interest.
As well as this, 7 pre-conference Masterclasses are on offer, with limited places remaining in the following:
– Event Management
– Capacity Building in the International Aid Sector
– Tertiary Sector Fundraising Opportunities and Challenges
– Healthcare Philanthropy – Designing an Integrated Development Program
A fabulous social program has also been created to give you maximum networking opportunities, with activities on every night. The peak event is the President’s Dinner – join us and over 300 of your friends and colleagues in the Grand Ballroom to celebrate.
For more information and to register, click here