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NFP Fraud Survey - How Does It Affect You? -Advert

24 April 2006 at 1:04 pm
Staff Reporter
The BDO, Not-For-Profit Network (NFPN), Queensland University of Technology Fraud Survey was released in March. Now you can attend the Risk Roadshow to learn how the results relate to your organisation!

Staff Reporter | 24 April 2006 at 1:04 pm


NFP Fraud Survey - How Does It Affect You? -Advert
24 April 2006 at 1:04 pm

The BDO, Not-For-Profit Network (NFPN), Queensland University of Technology Fraud Survey was released in March. Now you can attend the Risk Roadshow to learn how the results relate to your organisation!

The BDO NFP Fraud Survey, released at Not-For-Profit Network’s recent Executive Update will be brought to life at an upcoming Risk Roadshow through Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Conducted by BDO in conjunction with Queensland University of Technology and Not-For-Profit Network, the findings of the fraud survey show that risk is less of a problem in Not for Profits than corporate organisations. However, the survey sheds light on the most common types of fraud. But, how to avoid them?

Lisa Bundesen, Partner, BDO Forensic Services will be providing insight and practical advice into how Not for Profits can mitigate these risks.
The Risk Roadshow will be held in Brisbane (Wednesday 10 May), Sydney (Thursday 11 May) and Melbourne (Friday 12 May).

Other sessions will cover intellectual property, finance, investments, insurance and accountability.

Does your insurance policy cover what you think it covers? Do you invest any surplus funds effectively? How about your intellectual property – do you know what it is? And do you protect it?

So, here’s the line up:

Mark Tupicoff , Manager, Suncorp Investment Management. Mark has 30 years experience in banking and finance. Mark’s two sessions look at diversifying investments to get through the highs and the lows and investing ethically.

Lisa Bundesen, Partner, Forensic Accounting Services, BDO Kendalls was the lead researcher of the fraud survey. Based on the survey results, Lisa will be looking at where your organisation is at greatest risk from fraud, and who are the people most likely to be committing these frauds.

Dr Kate Andrews, Partner, Intellectual Capital, BDO Kendalls. Kate will help delegates to identify their own organisation’s knowledge-based assets and look at effective risk-mitigation strategies.

Bill Hogg and Jesse Borthwick from Jardine Lloyd Thompson. They will be looking at practical examples of how insurance programs have been developed and managed.

A second session will be looking at what your insurance really covers – in fact, you can bring along your own insurance policy to really check it out.

David Sachs, Manish Bansal and David Bartolo, from Dialog, Australia’s largest privately owned IT company will talk about establishing procedures to mitigate and monitor risks.

Come along and receive morning and afternoon tea, lunch, and a comprehensive workbook of notes. Risk Roadshow has NFPN’s satisfaction guarantee – if you don’t get something valuable out of it, something you can use in your organisation – something that makes your day with us worthwhile, just write to us and we’ll refund your registration fee.

For more information please call us on 07 3210 2288, email at or visit . If you know you need to attend Risk Roadshow but can’t afford it because you have a low turnover or are entirely volunteer run, contact Sharon to ask about our concessional registrations.

* If there are more people from your organisation who should come to this event, any additional registrants get a discounted registration fee.
** To register, simply download the registration form, call (07) 3210 2288, or email .

Tags : Survey,


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