New Online Resource for Fundraising Practice & Trends - Advertorial
2 February 2009 at 3:10 pm
A new resource is now available for fundraising and marketing managers and chief executive officers to help them stay up to date with developments in fundraising practice, trends and issues.
Fundraising and Philanthropy Australasia Magazine (F&P) has launched an extensive online archive enabling Not for Profit managers and executives to access almost every article ever published since the inception of the magazine four years ago. And all at the click of a mouse button!
Editor of F&P, Jeremy Bradshaw says it’s a bit like Google for fundraisers.
He says it’s a searchable indexed bank of information which he hopes will provide a wealth of knowledge, insight, tips, ideas and inspiration for Not for Profit managers and leaders.
The archive features a wide range of useful material including case studies, best practice articles, strategy pieces, issues coverage, interviews with top fundraisers and other industry leaders and much more.
Bradshaw says that with four years worth of published articles to draw on, the archive contains a rich seam of material on every method of fundraising, developments in fundraising practice, results and benchmarks.
The archive is already proving a hit with the sector, and subscribers are logging on to take advantage.
Kathy Knott, philanthropy manager at Opera Queensland says the online archive is a tremendous resource and it is wonderful to have the collective wisdom of the many high calibre contributors to F&P at your fingertips.
Bradshaw says the convenience of being able to access so much helpful information while sitting at your computer will be of great benefit to anybody working in a fundraising or philanthropy role.
To see the new archive in action go to: