AFL Joins National Compact

9 June 2010 at 10:20 am
Australia's largest sporting Not for Profit, the Australian Football League (AFL) has signed up to the National Compact.
Andrew McLeod, from the Adelaide Crows joined Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector, Senator Ursula Stephens, in signing Australia’s National Compact at the AAMI stadium in Adelaide.
Senator Stephens says the National Compact represents a renewed commitment by the Government to support community based organisations and their volunteers.
She says the AFL is a significant compact partner as it is committed to using Australian football to improve the quality of life in communities throughout Australia.
Andrew McLeod says the AFL is a leader when it comes to supporting projects that will benefit the wider community.
The AFL joins with more than 200 Not for Profit organisations in becoming partners of the national compact launched by the Prime Minister in March this year.
The National Compact agrees that Australian Government and the Third Sector will work together to improve social, cultural, civic, economic and environmental outcomes, building on the strengths of individuals and communities. The collaboration aims to contribute to improved community wellbeing and a more inclusive Australian society with better quality of life for all.
For more information about Australia’s National Compact visit