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Using Promotional Products Cleverly

7 October 2010 at 10:15 am
Staff Reporter
Sponsored Article | Many Not for Profit organisations underestimate the power of promotional marketing, according to product supplier, Taken4Granted.

Staff Reporter | 7 October 2010 at 10:15 am


Using Promotional Products Cleverly
7 October 2010 at 10:15 am

Many Not for Profit organisations underestimate the power of promotional marketing, according to product supplier, Taken4Granted.

Have you ever seen a great promotional idea or product and wondered why yours wasn’t like that? Or perhaps your last campaign fell flat with the people who you need to support it.

Adrian Grant, the owner of promotional products supply company, Taken4Granted, says many Not for Profits underestimate the power of promotional marketing because of a previous bad experience. Often the reason is the promotional products they used.

Grant says the key to a successful promotional marketing campaign is to use a professional, experienced in sourcing from both domestic markets and from carefully selected overseas manufacturers. In many ways, he says the domestic market is the ‘safe’ option, you select a product, have it imprinted with your logo or message and it’s all over.

He says where your risk increases is when you source from overseas supply lines. Anyone can Google up a raft of suppliers for almost anything, but the real skill is in assessing the risks associated with the supplier you choose.

Included in the many questions a Not for Profit needs answered are:

  • Do they manufacture to Australian or International Standards?
  • Are they the manufacturer or an agent?
  • Are they compliant with International Labor Standards / Fair Trade?
  • What quality assurance measures do they have in place?

Grant says if you don’t know the answers to these and many other questions you are risking more than just your campaign. You’re risking your reputation and that of your organisation . . . a risk that could be minimised by obtaining your products through experienced professionals.

He says there are countless ways to get ‘cheap’ promotional items, but you should always realize that there is a point where in reducing the price, the supplier will need to reduce the quality in order to make the process profitable.

With combined experience of over 20 years sourcing compliant, safe products for some of the world’s most recognizable brands with custom designed promotional campaigns, Taken4Granted can help tailor products to meet your specific needs, always with the bigger picture in mind.

For more details or to discuss your promotional product needs, please contact or call 0431 695 930.

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