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Consultation Paper to Shape NFP Regulator

21 January 2011 at 3:11 pm
Staff Reporter
The Gillard Government has released a consultation paper on the design of a new national regulator for the Not for Profit sector.

Staff Reporter | 21 January 2011 at 3:11 pm


Consultation Paper to Shape NFP Regulator
21 January 2011 at 3:11 pm

The Gillard Government has released a consultation paper on the design of a new national regulator for the Not for Profit sector.

The consultation paper was released by Minister for Social Inclusion Tanya Plibersek and Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten, who say the paper seeks the views of the stakeholders to determine the precise role, functions, feasibility and design options for a "one-stop shop" regulator.

Minister Shorten says the consultation paper marks the beginning of a reform process that will deliver smarter regulation, reduce red-tape and improve the transparency and accountability of the sector.

Shorten says commissioning Treasury to undertake a scoping study for a national Not for Profit regulator has delivered on an election commitment to strengthen the sector.

Treasury will use the consultation paper to seek the views of stakeholders on the goals of national regulation, the scope of national regulation, and the functions and form of a national regulator.

Tanya Plibersek says the complex current regulatory framework places a significant compliance burden on the sector, which is growing in size and importance.

She says a new national regulator should streamline reporting requirements, reduce compliance costs and provide certainty to not-for-profits about their rights and responsibilities.

CEO of the Community Council of Australia David Crosbie welcomed the scoping study and the opportunity for the sector to have input.

Crosbie says it is particularly pleasing that this report builds on previous reports from the Productivity Commission, the Senate Economics Committee, and international developments in the area.

He says community organisations are tired of jumping through bureaucratic hoops that provide no useful information and serve no useful purpose. Despite the fact that the Not for Profit sector contributes $43 billion to Australia’s economy, the needs of the sector have largely been ignored by governments in the past.

CEO of Mission Australia and Director of CCA Toby Hall CCA commended the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Social Inclusion for taking a lead on Not for Profit reform.

Hall says there have been many reports over the years calling for change, but the Not for Profit sector has not had many champions in Federal Cabinet.

Hall calls on government and the Not for Profit sector to seize this opportunity to develop smarter regulation, reduce red tape and improve transparency for Not for Profits.

View the consultation paper on the Treasury website here. 

Submissions in response to the paper close on February 25, 2011. 

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