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Queensland NFP’s Funded in Recovery Package

7 April 2011 at 4:33 pm
Staff Reporter
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Queensland Premier Anna Bligh have announced a $39 million support package for Not for Profits to help in the recovery and wellbeing of people in Queensland following the State’s worst summer of natural disasters in recent memory.

Staff Reporter | 7 April 2011 at 4:33 pm


Queensland NFP’s Funded in Recovery Package
7 April 2011 at 4:33 pm

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Queensland Premier Anna Bligh have announced a $39 million support package for Not for Profits to help in the recovery and wellbeing of people in Queensland following the State’s worst summer of natural disasters in recent memory.

The package was launched under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements in Queensland to assist communities to confront the challenges associated with long-term recovery.

The Prime Minister says the support will help Queenslanders confront the long-term challenges of the recovery process that go beyond bricks and mortar.

The package includes:

  • $20 million for community development and recovery funds on the ground to provide intensive support to the State’s most highly impacted local communities, including supporting Not for Profit community groups, events and memorials;
  • Up to $10 million for a Mental Health Disaster Recovery Package to support mental health services in disaster-affected communities in Queensland on top of $1.2 million in funding announced earlier this year. Local organisations on the ground within the mental health sector will receive funding to bolster their work within severely affected communities.
  • Up to $5.8 million Financial Counselling to provide support to families and individuals affected by the disasters who are experiencing financial problems.
  • A $2 million Disabilities Care Plan to help a number of non-government organisations across Queensland to deliver crisis accommodation and respite care for people with a disability.

Prime Minister Gillard says Community Recovery Package is the next step in supporting Queensland following the recovery and the start of reconstruction efforts.

Premier Bligh says grants will be made available to local non government organisations to deliver assistance, counselling services, community access, respite and expert referral to other support services.

She says these local groups will also provide additional individual and family counselling, personalised support and group support to those that need it.

As well, she says under this funding the carers themselves will get extra access to information, counselling and other support services.

For more information contact the Queensland Department of Communities on 137 468.  

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One comment

  • Estela says:

    That’s a surprisingly high neumbr of businesses without a website. I think this figure will improve drastically in the next few years my business deals largely with web based businesses and while we once had a much higher percentage of US based clients than Australian, that has shifted dramatically in the past year. I think that as a nation, we’re only just starting to realise the necessity of online marketing. That’s particularly so for older business owners but as our younger generation moves into the business world, things are bound to change very rapidly.


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