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Secretive Review of Australia Council Worrying for Arts Groups

20 December 2011 at 3:06 pm
Staff Reporter
As the Australia Council – the Federal Government’s arts funding and advisory body – prepares to undergo its first major review in almost 30 years, arts organisations and political groups are calling for the process to be made public.

Staff Reporter | 20 December 2011 at 3:06 pm


Secretive Review of Australia Council Worrying for Arts Groups
20 December 2011 at 3:06 pm

As the Australia Council – the Federal Government’s arts funding and advisory body – prepares to undergo its first major review in almost 30 years, arts organisations and political groups are calling for the process to be made public.

Minister for the Arts Simon Crean announced yesterday that an independent review of the Australia Council will be undertaken – however the results of the review will not be made public.

Australian art groups have welcomed the review; however they have joined calls for the review process not to be kept secret.

In a statement today, the Greens said the review is an important process that must not be kept secret, and must not be used as an excuse to defund programs.

Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne said there is wide agreement in the arts sectors across Australia that a review is needed, however "There is a high risk, with the tight budgets due to the government's political guarantee of a surplus next year, that 'review' could be code for major cuts which our artists can ill afford.”

"It is important that the review's results not be kept secret so that we can have an honest, open and accountable discussion around future support for artists and artistic ventures." She said.

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