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Report on Government Services 2012 Released

31 January 2012 at 11:43 am
Staff Reporter
The Report on Government Services 2012 has been released by the Commonwealth highlighting performance and funding issues around aged care, child protection and disability services.

Staff Reporter | 31 January 2012 at 11:43 am


Report on Government Services 2012 Released
31 January 2012 at 11:43 am

The Report on Government Services 2012 has been released by the Commonwealth highlighting performance and funding issues around aged care, child protection and disability services.

This is the seventeenth edition of the report, produced by a Steering Committee of senior officials from Australian, State and Territory governments for the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

The Steering Committee is chaired by Gary Banks, Chairman of the Productivity Commission.

Gary Banks says that the Report promotes awareness about the performance, effectiveness and efficiency of government services.

“Everyone relies on government services at different stages of their lives, and the services in this Report are particularly important for the more disadvantaged members of society.

“Improving government services is important socially, but also economically. Governments spent over $164 billion on the services covered in this year's Report, equivalent to around 12.5 per cent of Australia’s national income,” Banks said.

This year's report, provides sector summaries in all broad reporting areas (Early childhood, education and training, Justice, Emergency management, Health, Community services, and Housing and homelessness), further data quality information, extended time series data for many indicators, and the inclusion of brief case studies for selected service areas.

Banks says reporting on the delivery of mainstream services to Indigenous Australians is a priority for this Report. For example, this edition includes additional school education reporting on learning outcomes for recent student cohorts, by Indigenous status.

The report says the purpose of the RoGS is to provide information to assist governments in making decisions about the effectiveness and efficiency of government expenditures.

The report is expected to give Australian Not for Profits detailed information for use when lobbying Government for funding or where service delivery needs to be improved.

The full report can be found here. 

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