National Volunteer Week 2012 - 'Volunteers - Every One Counts'

8 February 2012 at 10:04 am
National Volunteer Week (NVW) will be celebrated this year from the 14-20 May 2012.
National Volunteer Week is the largest celebration of volunteers and volunteerism in Australia, and provides an opportunity to highlight the role of volunteers in communities and to say thank you to the more than 6.4 million Australians who volunteer.
Volunteering Australia (VA) says NVW is celebrated in a number of different ways, depending upon the organisations and individuals involved. Formal ceremonies, morning teas, picnics, exhibitions and a whole range of events are held, as well as more informal events and private acts of recognition, all with the purpose of celebrating the work that volunteers do in the community and thanking volunteers for the contribution they make.
VA will be providing a number National Volunteer Week promotional materials:
- National Volunteer Week 2012 logo – now available
- Certificate of Appreciate – coming soon
- A3 Poster – ordering now open
- Lapel Pins – ordering now open
- Tips for the media – now available
- Radio CSA National Volunteer Week 2012 – coming soon
VA says to satisfy the huge demand for lapel pins every year it have decided to order as many pins as is required to satisfy demand rather than limiting the distribution.
Lapel pins will be available for $1 plus GST. Pins will be sold in packs of 10 pins at $11.00 per pack through the online shopping cart on the VA website. Ordering is now open.
National Volunteer Week A3 Posters will be available free of charge.
Order your promotional items on the website using Shopping Cart – click here to download the Shopping Cart instructions sheet.
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they no longer wnetad young volunteers because they only land them in trouble with the police or are extra work because staff have to babysit them to ensure they dont get into trouble. Still considering the huge amounts of good work that volunteers (the sensible ones) have done in the past and continue to do, I have high hopes for volunteerism. My only plea to those of us that assist in any way to get young volunteers abroad is that we should ensure they undergo some sort of cultural orientation that emphasises 1)respecting others’ culture and laws no matter how strange they seem ( Eeeuw! as half my students would say) 2)Being aware of how helping across cultures can make or break stereotypes and that they are a part of it and 3)Particularly for their mental well-being, also realising that they cant change the place in one trip so not to be too hard on themselves. I have of course contributed to this discussion mostly from what I’m familiar with. Western volunteers in developing countries. Well prepared volunteers may indeed be one small contribution towards fairer international co-operation. Particularly the young whose ways are not set and who are future leaders