Disability Leadership Program Now Recruiting

17 April 2012 at 11:22 am
![]() The Federal Government is accepting applications for the Disability Leadership Program. Photo courtesy Hunter Institute. |
Applications are now open for people with disability who want to develop their skills and confidence to become leaders in business, the community and government.
The Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Jan McLucas is encouraging people with disability to apply now for the Leaders for Tomorrow program.
“Leaders for Tomorrow is an innovative program that supports people with disability to develop their leadership skills, overcome barriers into work and education and reach their full potential,” Senator McLucas said.
“Because everyone is different, trained facilitators work with participants to develop a personalised program based on individual interests, needs and requirements.
“By linking people with disability with appropriate training, support and mentoring for up to 12 months, Leaders for Tomorrow aims to help aspiring leaders with disability develop their leadership capability."
Successful applicants will begin the program by participating in a two-day retreat in Melbourne in June. Following the retreat a facilitator will assist them to develop an individual Leadership Development Plan and support them to implement their plan over 12 months.
The program is being delivered in five rounds by TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, leading a consortium with E-QUAL.
“All current participants are making progress towards meeting their leadership goals through various activities, such as conferences, mentoring, courses and work experience for leadership development,” Senator McLucas said.
“Since taking part in the program, some of the participants have been promoted, or offered new opportunities to use their skills at work. We have received excellent feedback from participants who say the program has helped them build their confidence and develop networks.
“The Leaders for Tomorrow program is an excellent opportunity for people with disability to help achieve their long-term goals."
Leaders for Tomorrow is part of the Federal Government’s $11 million accessibility package for people with disability and carers under the National Disability Strategy.
Applications for the third intake of Leaders for Tomorrow program close Friday April 27, 2012.
For more information and application forms, go to: www.leadersfortomorrow.com.au.