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Vocations in Aid Conference

29 November 2012 at 9:00 am
Staff Reporter
Do you have a love of travel and want to make a difference? Want to use your skills to assist and exchange with others? Interested in developing a global career? Then international aid work may be for you.

Staff Reporter | 29 November 2012 at 9:00 am


Vocations in Aid Conference
29 November 2012 at 9:00 am

Do you have a love of travel and want to make a difference? Want to use your skills to assist and exchange with others? Interested in developing a global career?

… then international aid work may be for you.

The Mandala Foundation is presenting a one-day Vocations in Aid (ViA) conference aimed at prospective aid workers and volunteers of all ages and vocational backgrounds.

The Vocations in Aid conference will provide a unique opportunity for participants to learn about working and volunteering in the humanitarian aid and international development sector and network with like-minded individuals.

Individuals already working in the sector will find the conference a useful way to explore future vocational pathways and assess their career goals and personal motivations.

Vocations in Aid (ViA) Pathways in Humanitarian Aid & International Development
Friday, December 7 2012
8.45am – 5.15pm
William Angliss Conference Centre, Melbourne

Conference participants will also have the opportunity to:

  • Discover how vocational interests can be directed into international aid pathways
  • Hear vocational stories from experienced aid workers, volunteers and local staff
  • Find out about recruitment, application and selection processes and competencies that are valuable in international aid work
  • Interact with and ask questions of experienced aid workers and volunteers through peer learning and mentoring sessions
  • Gain tips and resources for preparing for and remaining resilient on overseas assignments including psychological, health, cultural and security issues
  • Meet a range of agencies that recruit humanitarian aid and development workers for overseas projects
  • Learn about university and TAFE courses that support vocational pathways in aid

Returned aid workers and volunteers will share their experiences of working and building a career in the aid sector, from short-term field deployments right through to managerial and headquarter-based roles.

Participants will also hear representatives from a range of organisations talking about their recruitment processes and policies for supporting staff and volunteers across the cycle of deployment.

Mandala Foundation psychologists will offer insight into effective psychosocial support strategies to support more psychologically resilient, prepared and responsible aid workers and volunteers.

Concession (Full time student/ health care card): $50.00 + GST = $55.00
Standard: $65.00 + GST = $71.50

Pre-conference workshops on a range of topics relevant to the psychosocial support of aid workers and volunteers will also be held from 2 – 6pm on Thursday December 6, 2012, followed by a sector network meeting co-hosted by the Melbourne Development Circle.

For more information call +61 3 9005 0808 or email 

One comment

  • Anonymous says:

    Thankyou for hosting a conference such as this as it is much needed.

    My daughter has been studying for six years to get an undergraduate degree in Humanities and then a Masters degree in International Development which involved relocating to Sweden and then to Samoa to do an Internship, (unpaid).
    Since arriving back in Australia she has been looking for a position which will utilize her skills and abilities and give her some suitable renumeration to enable her to live. So far, her efforts have been unsuccessful and this is having a detrimental effect on her state of mind and self esteem.
    It seems that there are positions available and people needed to do the work, but very few organisations or individuals willing or able to offer any sort of renumeration.
    Now, my daughter, who has a keen desire to help others, has decreasing capacity to do so, because she is almost in the position of needing ‘aid’ herself.
    Hopefully, this conference will help her to find an appropriate pathway to productive work.


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