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Disability Service Orgs Merge

8 October 2013 at 11:27 am
Staff Reporter
Two major disability service organisations have merged in response to the challenges and reforms brought about by the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Staff Reporter | 8 October 2013 at 11:27 am


Disability Service Orgs Merge
8 October 2013 at 11:27 am

Two major disability service organisations have merged in response to the challenges and reforms brought about by the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The Boards of VATMI Industries and the Endeavour Foundation say they have considered the future of  their supported employment businesses, and it has become clear that together there are many opportunities for growth and diversification.

Endeavour Foundation is a large Queensland based Not for Profit established in 1951 which has become one of Australia’s leading providers of person-centred supported employment, training accommodation, respite and recreation options for 3,200 people with disability from 230 locations in Queensland and New South Wales. VATMI is an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) based in Victoria that provides employment opportunities for people with a disability such as  recycling and co-packing businesses.

“Amalgamating our organisations will allow us to combine our collective resources, services, people and aspirations to achieve better outcomes for all of the people, customers and communities we support,” the combined board statement said.

“After amalgamation, all parts of the organisation will become known as Endeavour Foundation and trade exclusively under that brand.”

“Whilst VATMI Industries and Endeavour Foundation have different histories and scales of operation, the close alignment of our values, vision and aspirations makes our organisations well suited to working together,” VATMI Chief Executive Greg Wasmund said.

“By VATMI Industries and Endeavour Foundation merging, both Boards of Directors and management teams believe the result will be an organisation with greater diversity and innovation, combined with the expertise and strength of a long established and nationally recognised industry leader.

“The merger will create opportunities for all of our employees in a much larger, nationally recognised organisation.”

Over the ensuing months as the merger is enacted, both VATMI Industries and Endeavour Foundation will continue to value the feedback and participation of our employees and community members.

An early priority will be the appointment of a management team that is based upon and reflects national product lines. As soon as this is finalised, the new team members will be introduced via a number of communication mediums.

“Whilst the NDIS will create many challenges for our organisations, its introduction will bring great opportunity for those best placed to take advantage and I look forward to being a part of it all,” Wasmund said.

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews


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