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Campaign Calls for Better Start for Single Mums

7 January 2014 at 8:58 am
Staff Reporter
A new website that reveals the stories of single parent families living on Newstart is the latest part of an ongoing campaign to end child poverty.

Staff Reporter | 7 January 2014 at 8:58 am


Campaign Calls for Better Start for Single Mums
7 January 2014 at 8:58 am

A new website that reveals the stories of single parent families living on Newstart is the latest part of an ongoing campaign to end child poverty.

The website, found at, was launched on January 1, 12 months since thousands of single parent families were transferred onto Newstart under the former Labor Government.

It features 10 mothers who speak candidly about the realities of living on Newstart.

"The 10 women represent the plight of thousands of Australian families, the victims of this cruel and harsh policy,” Terese Edwards, CEO National Council of Single Mothers & their Children, said.  

“Newstart was never meant for families and it occurs when the youngest child turns eight."

According to the Council, the inadequacy of Newstart for families include:

  • It’s so low that families can’t afford the essentials, such as food and rent;

  • It punishes a parent in employment with reported losses of up to $160 per week;

  • It has forced women to stop studying, and the chance for a secure job.

The 10 Story campaign calls for:

  1. Immediately increase Newstart by $50 per week;

  2. Make paid work a family’s financial gain. Increase the allowable earnings to the equivalent of the parenting payment single;

  3. Index Newstart and payments to wage movement to stop it from falling further behind;

  4. Commit to a national strategy to end child poverty in Australia.

For more information click here.

10 stories is a national collaboration by the Sydney Community Foundation’s Sydney Women’s Fund, Snow Foundation and Filmstretch.

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews


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