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Shergold Set to Lead Federal Aged-Care Reform

5 March 2014 at 11:57 am
Staff Reporter
Not for Profit expert Professor Peter Shergold has been named as Chair of the Aged Care Sector Committee tasked to build a working partnership between the Federal Government and the aged-care sector.

Staff Reporter | 5 March 2014 at 11:57 am


Shergold Set to Lead Federal Aged-Care Reform
5 March 2014 at 11:57 am

Not for Profit expert Professor Peter Shergold has been named as Chair of the Aged Care Sector Committee tasked to build a working partnership between the Federal Government and the aged-care sector.

The Coalition Government said one of the committee’s first tasks would be to develop the Aged Care Sector Statement of Principles to set out the way in which government and the aged-care sector will work together to progress reform.

“This statement of principles will reflect the need to finalise reform, ongoing monitoring and how the recommendations of the Productivity Commission’s Caring for Older Australians report is considered in the five-year review of the reforms in 2016–17,” the Government said.

Prof Shergold last year reviewed the Victorian community services system, which prompted the creation of a Victorian Community Sector Reform Council to examine ways to best meet the needs of an ageing and growing population and improve the wellbeing of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

According to the Federal Assistant Minister for Social Services, Mitch Fifield, the Aged Care Sector Committee will provide guidance to help the aged-care sector adapt to new demands and a greater consumer focus.

“Committee members have been drawn from peak bodies representing providers across residential and home care; for-profit and not-for-profit providers; consumer and workforce representatives,” Fifield said.

“It will provide important advice, including identifying where to start the critical task of cutting red tape in aged care—practical steps that can be taken to reduce administrative burdens and compliance costs.”

According to Fifield, members of the Committee have already been involved in consultations to develop a better way to allocate the former Aged Care Workforce Supplement funding in a more flexible and targeted way.

The date of the committee’s first meeting is yet to be confirmed.

The Aged-Care Sector Committee members are:

Prof Peter Shergold AC (Chair), University of Western Sydney;

Prof John Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Aged and Community Services Australia;

Patrick Reid, Chief Executive Officer, Leading Age Services Australia;

Ian Yates, Chief Executive, Council on the Ageing;

Lee Thomas, Federal Secretary, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation;

Michael O’Neill, Chief Executive, National Seniors Australia;

Lin Hatfield Dodds, National Director, UnitingCare Australia;

Martin Laverty, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Health Australia;

Glenn Rees, Chief Executive Officer, Alzheimer’s Australia;

Ara Cresswell, Chief Executive Officer, Carers Australia;

Netty Horton, Territorial Social Programme Director, Salvation Army;

Gary Barnier, Managing Director, Domain Principal Group;

Louis Dudley, Managing Director, Bupa;

Lynda O’Grady, Chair, Aged Care Financing Authority.

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