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Salary Survey to Investigate Year-On-Year Trends

1 December 2014 at 9:02 am
Xavier Smerdon
Pro Bono Australia, is again conducting Australia’s largest salary surveys aimed specifically at the Not for Profit sector.

Xavier Smerdon | 1 December 2014 at 9:02 am


Salary Survey to Investigate Year-On-Year Trends
1 December 2014 at 9:02 am

Pro Bono Australia, is again conducting Australia’s largest salary surveys aimed specifically at the Not for Profit sector.

“With the results of this annual survey we will provide an essential guide to salary levels and expectations, benchmarking, analysis and employment trends for the rapidly expanding range of Not for Profit and Community jobs,” Pro Bono Australia Founder Karen Mahlab said.

“We are calling on all Senior Managers and Executives working in the sector to complete this short survey and be a part of this vital initiative.

“Armed with the extensive results from the last two years, this year’s survey will allow for some strong year-on-year comparative analysis of the growth within the Not for Profit sector.

“Close to 2000 people and organisations have accessed last year’s survey results, making this a major reference point for Not for Profit salaries in Australia. And more than 1500 people completed the online survey.

Last year’s ground-breaking salary survey revealed the highlights and lowlights of annual remuneration, bonuses and professional development.

In particular the survey revealed that a large proportion of Not for Profit salaries and pay rates are not being reviewed on a regular basis.

The survey found the lack of remuneration reviews effects employment positions across the sector from CEOs, Human Resources Managers and through to Volunteering Managers, where more than half (58 per cent) reported not receiving a regular review of their pay.

The survey found that  the greatest proportion of people not receiving regular pay reviews were those in Social Enterprise (53 per cent), Sport and Recreation (53 per cent), Volunteering (52 per cent) and Aboriginal / Indigenous (51 per cent).

The good news in last year’s survey appears to be that CEO pay rates in the Not for Profit sector have risen, particularly in the healthcare sector.

In contrast to previous year’s survey, Mental Health is now the sector with the highest average total remuneration, across executive jobs from the CEO ($201,992), General Manager and Financial officers, while Arts and Culture ($94,349) and Human Rights ($96,644) has the lowest pay rates.

The previous 2013 survey found that the highest average pay rates were in the Health Care/Medical Research sector ($155,951) followed by Foundations/ Philanthropic Organisations ($150,792).

The salary survey is one of the largest of its kind and includes responses covering more than 2000 cases across 13 employment positions.

“This is indeed a groundbreaking survey into the remuneration offered to those executives and managers who lead this very important sector,” Pro Bono Australia Founder and CEO, Karen Mahlab said.

“With over 600,000 organisations operating nationally, more than 1 in 15 Australians work for either a Not for Profit or a charity.

“Board members and Executives of all sized Australian Not for Profits will now have access to an extensive and broad-based salary survey to help guide them in their decision making around remuneration,” Mahlab said.

Xavier Smerdon  |  Journalist  |  @XavierSmerdon

Xavier Smerdon is a journalist specialising in the Not for Profit sector. He writes breaking and investigative news articles.

Tags : Salary Survey,


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