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Harvard on Offer for NFP CEOs

5 February 2015 at 9:31 am
Xavier Smerdon
Applications are open for an annual fellowship that will see three CEOs from Victorian Not for Profits given funded places to study at Harvard Business School.

Xavier Smerdon | 5 February 2015 at 9:31 am


Harvard on Offer for NFP CEOs
5 February 2015 at 9:31 am

Applications are open for an annual fellowship that will see three CEOs from Victorian Not for Profits given funded places to study at Harvard Business School.

The Harvard Club of Victoria’s Non-Profit Fellowship (NPF) Program annually sponsors up to three Not for Profit community service sector organisations to attend a week-long course, Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management (SPNM), at Harvard Business School in July.

In 2015, the A$12,000 award covers course fees (tuition and case materials, accommodation, and meals), as well as travel to and from Boston, including a side-trip to allow for visits to appropriate Not for Profit organisations in North America.

The Fellowship award also covers a domestic side-trip to enable Fellows to visit North American Not for Profits operating in the same sector as their own organisations.  

“The program has been running for 15 years. We began by focusing on the disability sector and last year broadened the program to include the wider community sector. We have now sent 27 CEOs to Harvard,” the HCV Non-Profit Fellowship Committee said.

“The feedback from the CEOs has been uniformly excellent and we are confident that the Fellowship provides an outstanding leadership development experience for non-profit leaders. Our aim is to help them make an even bigger impact in the community service sector in future years.

“This world-renowned program focuses on building participants’ managerial and strategic decision-making skills: skills that are in increasing demand within Australia’s non-profit sector.”

The HCV Non-Profit Fellowship program will also award two runners-up places to The Harvard Club of Australia Non-Profit Leadership Program, a two and a half day residential executive education program designed for senior management at non-profit organisations to be presented by a Harvard Business School Professor using the HBS case study method.

The program is funded by donations from members of the HCV community, together with funds raised through the HCV’s events program.

The three recipients in 2014 included Micaela Cronin of MacKillop Family Services, Dr. Stefan Gruenert of Odyssey House and Tony Keenan of Hanover Welfare Services.

CEOs, or equivalent, of Victorian-based Not for Profit organisations operating within the community service sector and whose organisations have DGR status and an annual revenue of A$3 million and above are eligible.

The HCV said it had expanded the scope of the program this year to include the broader community service sector, with particular focus on the drug and alcohol dependency, children and families, disability, family violence, housing and homelessness, mental health, refugees resettlement and youth affairs areas.

CEOs of industry associations such as peak bodies and  management support organisations or consulting firms are not eligible.

The closing date for applications is 15 March 2015. Find out more here.

Xavier Smerdon  |  Journalist  |  @XavierSmerdon

Xavier Smerdon is a journalist specialising in the Not for Profit sector. He writes breaking and investigative news articles.


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