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Fitted for Work Celebrates 10 Years

15 June 2015 at 11:57 am
Xavier Smerdon
Not for Profit enterprise, Fitted for Work, is celebrating its 10th birthday this month reaching a milestone of 20,000 women who have been helped through its programs.

Xavier Smerdon | 15 June 2015 at 11:57 am


Fitted for Work Celebrates 10 Years
15 June 2015 at 11:57 am

Not for Profit enterprise, Fitted for Work, is celebrating its 10th birthday this month reaching a milestone of 20,000 women who have been helped through its programs.

Fitted for Work provides free services to women facing disadvantage and helps them to develop skills, tools and confidence to find and keep employment in Sydney and Melbourne.

“The organisation has continued to grow since its inception, with Fitted for Work on track to exceed its target of assisting 4,000 women in 2015, an increase of 14 per cent on last year,”  CEO, Donna de Zwart said.

The organisation says it has plans for consolidation and expansion.

“Fitted for Work will grow its service delivery driven by a focus on innovation and program expansion,” de Zwart said.

“We know that if we want to see real change in Australia, both culturally and in terms of economic growth, the key is getting women into the workforce.

“The labour force participation level for Australian women is still significantly lower than Australian men, and there are persistently high numbers of women who are unable to find work.

“When you help one woman find work, you help not only her but her family, her children,her community and the economy at large. We cannot underestimate the overwhelming impact of lifting female workforce participation on our society, and on individual dignity as well.”

Services and programs are delivered by Fitted for Work free of charge. The organisation receives less than two per cent in non-recurrent Government funding so it relies on the philanthropy of trusts and foundations, corporate partners and individuals to be able to ensure free access.

“Fitted for Work’s clients come from all walks of life; older women needing to return to the workforce after the death of a partner or divorce, women dealing with domestic violence, addictions, mental and physical health problems and women exiting prison,” de Zwart said.

“Many women who visit Fitted for Work are refugees or migrants and a significant number are young early school leavers and single mothers.

“Disadvantage does not discriminate. It can happen to any woman at any time. Every one of the clients we helped this year and over the past 10 years has had one thing in common – the will to work.”

Fitted for Work’s services and programs include free interview-appropriate clothing at its Personal Outfitting Service, as well as interview preparation, mentoring, transition-to-work and staying-employed programs.

Xavier Smerdon  |  Journalist  |  @XavierSmerdon

Xavier Smerdon is a journalist specialising in the Not for Profit sector. He writes breaking and investigative news articles.


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