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Podcast: NFP Leaders Reveal Budget Wishlist

28 April 2016 at 10:48 am
Ellie Cooper
Certainty of long-term funding models, tax reform and greater support for the national charity regulator have topped the list of federal budget demands of Australia’s Not for Profit leaders.

Ellie Cooper | 28 April 2016 at 10:48 am


Podcast: NFP Leaders Reveal Budget Wishlist
28 April 2016 at 10:48 am

Certainty of long-term funding models, tax reform and greater support for the national charity regulator have topped the list of federal budget demands of Australia’s Not for Profit leaders.

In the pre-budget episode of Not for Podcast, executives from the social sector shared their wishlists, cast their predictions, and named their concerns ahead of the 3 May budget.

CEO of the Community Council for Australia (CCA), David Crosbie, told Pro Bono Australia News that the government shows its true colours through the budget.

“Often when you meet with politicians and others, they’ll talk about supporting what you want to do or your policy imperative,” Crosbie said.

“But when it comes to what actually happens and whether or not that commitment for support means anything, it’s the federal budget [that] tells us where government priorities really lie.”

He said the the biggest concern among CCA’s membership was the ongoing sense of uncertainty around government policy, direction and funding.

“There are differing messages coming out about the level to which it’s willing to support the charities and Not for Profit sector,” he said.

“We’d really like to see a commitment to developing a forward plan for the sector, we’d really like a stronger commitment to supporting the work of the ACNC.

“We’d like all government contracts to be operating for a minimum of three years. At the moment the pattern really is great uncertainty with programs being rolled over for 12 months.

“We’d really like the charity and Not for Profit sector to be included in the big policy discussions around employment, innovation, the NBN.”

Hear from NFP executives:

  • Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie
  • ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie
  • GetUp! senior campaigner Daney Faddoul
  • National Shelter executive officer Adrian Pisarski
  • Mission Australia CEO Catherine Yeomans
  • Volunteering Australia CEO Brett Williamson
  • World Vision Australia CEO Tim Costello.

Ellie Cooper  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews

Ellie Cooper is a journalist covering the social sector.

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