New Research Looks for NFP Innovation Improvements

13 October 2016 at 9:30 am
New national research into Australia’s not-for-profit organisations aims to uncover greater insights and possible improvements in innovation performance across the sector.
The 2017 Not-For-Profit Innovation Index Survey, developed by digital fundraising platform GiveEasy, aims to measure organisations’ current innovation capabilities and to identify trends over a three-year period.
GiveEasy CEO Jeremy Tobias said he was keen to see how mid-sized not-for-profit organisations had fared against their larger peers in this year’s survey.
“Last year’s data clearly showed that innovation growth leads to increased funding,” Tobias said.
However he said, based on those results, while many NFPs were not short on examples of leading edge innovation, others remained largely middle of the road when it came to innovation performance.
The 2016 Innovation Index found that the not-for-profit sector overall scored just 58 per cent on its innovation scale.
Tobias described the result at the time a “just a pass”.
“What was worrying was that just 37 per cent of respondents had an agreed innovation strategy or focus in their organisation,” he said.
“This implies fairly low levels of committed, structured internal resources for innovation.”
The 2016 Innovation Index also identified what it described as the most innovative not-for-profit organisations in Australia. Topping the list was the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.
The 2017 research is supported by Australia Post, Westpac, and AGSM @UNSW Business School.
The survey can be accessed here until 18 November.