ANZSOG Scholarships Give NFPs a Chance to Invest in Future Leaders

11 July 2017 at 8:05 am
Not-for-profit organisations can now benefit from scholarships for Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) programs aimed at developing the skills of leaders and emerging leaders in their sector.
The NFP sector is becoming more complex and the environment organisations operate in more challenging. There is a growing need for them to ensure their leaders have the capability and networks they need to navigate this new environment.
ANZSOG CEO Ken Smith said the scholarships offered the NFP sector a chance to invest in the skills of its staff and develop stronger connections with and an understanding of government.
“We are making these scholarships available solely to employees in the not-for-profit sector because we know that these organisations do not always have the resources to ensure staff get the training they need to reach their potential,” Smith said.
“Many not-for-profit organisations are funded by government, or operate in a changing regulatory environment, and the programs are a unique chance to gain a better understanding of how governments work, and to broaden networks.
“These programs give students the chance to learn from the best and will give them access to academics from Australia and New Zealand as well as international experts.
“If you want to become a leader capable of making a difference in your sector, these programs are for you.”
Eight scholarships will be awarded – five for ANZSOG’s Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) and three for its Executive Fellows Program (EFP) – with a total value of over $150,000.
The EMPA is a two-year course delivered face-to-face at universities across Australia. It is suitable for not-for-profit managers working in diverse roles including communications, human resources, IT, policy development or implementation, and service delivery. It gives graduates the management and strategic skills they need to become leaders in their organisation and their sector.
The EFP is an intensive three-week residential program purpose-built to develop the capacity and skills of senior leaders to head organisations, build vital relationships and respond to change.
“These programs prepare experienced and emerging leaders in the not-for-profit sector for the increasingly complex environment they are operating in,” Smith said.
“Participants describe the EMPA as a career-changing, and life-changing experience. Organisations whose staff have attended these programs report that everyone benefits when participants return and share their knowledge with others.”
ANZSOG has been established for 15 years and both programs have a strong reputation for providing high-level practical skills and for giving students a chance to build networks of peers which continue after the programs have finished.
The programs have been developed in conjunction with ANZSOG’s government and university partners, and feature academics from across Australia and New Zealand, as well as international experts, including from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Previous graduates from the not-for-profit sector have spoken of the value of the EMPA and EFP, and how it improved their leadership and ability to contribute to their organisations.
Darren Youngs, Regional Director East at Anglicare Victoria, said: “The EMPA connected me with incredible people across Australia and New Zealand and gave me the tools to be a better manager and leader. I am extremely grateful for an experience I will never forget.”
Smith said that having high-calibre senior staff is crucial for all organisations, and that ANZSOG’s programs were a unique opportunity for not-for-profits to invest in their employees.
Applications for the 2018 scholarships are now open and close on August 11 for the EFP, and September 1 for the EMPA. For more detail click here.
These links contain more information about the EMPA and the EFP, including how to apply or get in contact with previous participants in the programs.
ANZSOG encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with disabilities and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.