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TITAN Offers NFPs the Chance to Win Free New Website Build

18 October 2018 at 8:22 am
The Institute of Technology for Australia and New Zealand (TITAN) has launched an innovative Website Build and Match Fund Grant, giving charities the chance to apply for a free new website build and receive tailored guidance and support from a diverse team of professionals.

Contributor | 18 October 2018 at 8:22 am


TITAN Offers NFPs the Chance to Win Free New Website Build
18 October 2018 at 8:22 am

The Institute of Technology for Australia and New Zealand (TITAN) has launched an innovative Website Build and Match Fund Grant, giving charities the chance to apply for a free new website build and receive tailored guidance and support from a diverse team of professionals.

Founded from a desire to make a real impact by sharing practical experience, wealth and knowledge, TITAN is a not-for-profit company taking an innovative approach to engagement with the not-for-profit sector, backed by a skilled team of philanthropists, data scientists and business leaders.

The Website Build and Match Fund Grant will enable not-for-profit organisations to establish or redevelop their website, with the aim of boosting digital presence and maximise fundraising efforts. Additionally, subject to the grant terms and conditions, TITAN will match donations received on the new website’s first campaign up to $1,000 per successful applicant.

All that is required is to select the support package you will sign up to after the build, which will carry charities through the next 12 months of their website license fee, technical support and training.

According to research, 54 per cent of Australian supporters state their preferred method of donating is giving online and 31 per cent say social media is the primary channel that inspires them to give. Currently however, almost a quarter of Australian charities do not have a website, which puts them at a disadvantage and prevents them from future growth and opportunities.

TITAN are also running several other programs, including a mentorship program, whereby successful applicants will be matched with philanthropists and business leaders and free data science strategy sessions where successful organisations will have the opportunity to consult with professional data scientists who can work with the organisation to achieve identified goals.

TITAN’s CEO Luke Davids said the organisation recognised the difficulty in trying to establish a not for profit within an already competitive market that is saturated by well-known and well-funded charities.

“TITAN’s mission is to accelerate the access that small and medium-sized not for profits in Australia and New Zealand have to best practice digital tools,” Davids said.

“Its vision is to fund large-scale digital projects that can have a measurable impact on the digital incomes of as many non-profits as possible.

“This is not just about charities and it’s not just about not for profits. We want to work with the sector collectively to transform and drive the adoption of cutting-edge digital solutions that have a real impact on people’s lives.”

TITAN funding sources include a coalition of high net-worth philanthropists who have recognised that funding technology projects for not for profits is one of the most powerful ways for their money to have impact. By doing so, they seek to address a need in what is currently a major gap in the funding landscape.

TITAN also provides online resources, by way of podcasts, and conducts educational events where speakers and social entrepreneurs discuss various topics surrounding not-for-profit organisations and how to strengthen impact.

To be eligible for the programs, not-for-profit organisations will ideally have a revenue range between $0.3-30 million. For the Website Build and Match Fund Grant, applicants should understand that the ongoing costs of the website support, hosting and platform licence that vary depending on the package chosen are the sole responsibility of the organisation.

For more information, please visit Those who wish to apply for the Website Build and Match Fund Grant can head to

TITAN will be hosting an event free for charities in Melbourne on 22 November where there will be a special guest speaker, details of whom will be released on the website soon, to talk all things charity fundraising.

On 28 November, successful social entrepreneur and TITAN donor Lance Kalish is coming to Sydney to present A Game Changer for Charities: Building Businesses Where Charitable Donations Are Part of the Model to Raise Millions. Free for charities, this event is an opportunity for those to learn about how businesses should and can co-exist with charity from one of Australia’s most accomplished international consumer product builders.

To book a place or for more information, visit


The Institute of Technology for Australia and New Zealand Limited (TITAN) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been created to help other not-for-profits in Australia and New Zealand gain access to transformative technologies in the fields of fundraising, marketing and service delivery, with a focus on digital. It aims to do this through providing grants and other programs, in addition to a series of education events and white papers.

At its core, TITAN is building a powerful network of philanthropists who are interested in driving forward charitable giving, believing that by being one of a collective, the TITAN is more powerful than an individual in isolation.

What began by interviewing major donors has since grown into a diverse team of business leaders, celebrities, data scientists and philanthropists who are committed to creating change in not-for-profit technology.

On the board of directors is CEO Luke Davids, who has almost 20 years’ experience in the logistics and technology industry, Ted Alexander whose background is in investment management, and Mira Comara who is an expert in strategy, risk and solution-based consulting.


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