Bringing New Meaning to the Classic Wrist Watch

11 December 2018 at 7:30 am
The Timekeeper is a mindful company on a mission to help young people be present and intentional with their time for positive mental health.
“The true currency of life is time, not money, and we’ve all got limited stock of that.” – Robert Harris.
Have you ever thought about where the world would be today without the concept of time?
Keeping track of time is something unique to humankind. Our lives revolve around dates, times and deadlines every day. Have you stopped to think “how am I spending my time?”
Our perception of time is often lost in the chaotic fast-paced world through “busy-ness”, procrastination and stress. The true value of time exists in each moment. Even in a mundane daily commute, the beauty can be found in observing, seeing, listening, smelling, touching and tasting.
We often hear that young people are the future but there’s a lot happening in the world and young people are faced with the challenge of information overload and the paradox of choice.
Led by a passionate young changemaker, Kristian Martinow, The Timekeeper is a mindful company on a mission to help young people be present and intentional with their time for positive mental health.
At the end of university, Kristian became sick with adrenal fatigue, loss of eyesight and a rash over his body. This was the catalyst for change.
Kristian discovered the world of holistic health including mindfulness, yoga, nutrition, psychology, philosophy and mindset transformation. Kristian had been chronically sick for large portions of the previous six years and for the first time in his life he was able to eliminate his conditions and dramatically improve the quality of his life.
Kristian is grateful for his experience because it taught him the “preciousness of time”. Kristian realised that he had been conditioned by external factors in his environment and didn’t even know what his core values were. With a newfound perspective on time, Kristian is inspired to spread the message of mindful and intentional living, and the impact it can have on our perspective and experience of life.
Too many of us are beginning to live lives where we take on too much, procrastinate, thrive on being “busy” and forget to take breaks. We struggle to balance work and exercise, and that takes its toll on our health and relationships. We rush through the daily commute, faces illuminated by our phones, unconscious and disconnected.
Is there any wonder why one in six young Australians experiences anxiety?
Using a model of mindful time and intentional time, The Timekeeper taps into the power of self-awareness, empathy and purpose.
The mission for The Timekeeper is to share products, online media and youth ambassador stories with the world to inspire people to commit themselves to reflection, observation, clarity and focus, to build good relationships and appreciate beauty; to improve the quality of time in their lives. And for The Timekeeper, “socially conscious consumers” means creating exponential social impact in the world.
Bringing a new meaning to the classic wrist watch, The Timekeeper designs watches to act as an everyday reminder to slow down and be in the present. And 100 per cent of profits from every sale are donated to impact partners to improve youth access to mental wellbeing programs.
“Together with our customers, we are starting a conversation about youth mental health to break down stigma and encourage people to give their time to support those around them,” Kristian says.
Join The Timekeeper movement and help promote #MomentsWellSpent
“Time is precious. You have the power to decide how to use it, the impact you will have, and the lives you will change. Define your moment.” – The Timekeeper.