A word that makes a world of difference

9 September 2019 at 8:20 am
In her latest video, resident Pro Bono Australia mindset coach and 10-year CSR professional Clare Desira shares a three-letter word that can keep us focused and moving forward, even when we’re scared, nervous or tired.
Desira heads up the Top Five Movement, a training organisation which supports changemakers and leaders in generous careers to have a bigger impact through a stronger mindset.
The video is part of a weekly series on how the brain works and tools to tackle common mindset blockers during career change.
For more on Top Five’s services see: www.topfivemovement.com/services
thank you so much – a really timely reminder for me as I have just relocated to Canberra where I know no one and am having to start my career all over again. Today, I was feeling tired and discouraged, but you have reminded me that I am also feeling excited and determined to succeed and make the most of the opportunities that starting anew provides.