Pro Bono Australia launches 2020 Salary Survey

21 November 2019 at 8:00 am
The social sector’s largest annual remuneration data survey officially launches
Thousands of NFP leaders are set to take part in the sector’s biggest salary benchmarking survey for the eighth year running.
Launched in partnership with HLB Mann Judd and Leadership Today, the survey is the most comprehensive remuneration report for the NFP sector in the country.
The report is used by social sector organisations across Australia to accurately benchmark remuneration practices, and highlight professional development trends and salary standards among executives and managers.
Karen Mahlab AM, Pro Bono Australia founder, and CEO, said the survey was a vital piece of data that helped guide boards, management, and individuals to ensure fair and market-related pay.
Mahlab called on the NFP sector to participate in the seven-minute salary survey.
“The survey is the largest and most comprehensive remuneration report of its kind, providing extensive and practical information on selecting appropriate benchmarks and building a remuneration framework for Australia’s not-for-profit sector,” she said.
“It’s for our common benefit.”
The survey will deliver an in-depth comparative analysis of growth within the sector, and offer insights around employee engagement and workplace benefits, including salary sacrificing and superannuation contributions.
Participants who complete the survey will also receive 50 per cent off the 2020 survey when it’s released next year, and go in the running to win one of three reports, valued up to $485.
The report will be released in April 2020, with responses kept confidential.
The survey can be completed here.