Working together is more important than ever

21 May 2020 at 7:00 am
Fundraising Institute Australia membership gives fundraisers the ability to be part of a vibrant community of practitioners all working to make the greatest possible impact.
In times of crisis, the need to come together, and work together, is more important than ever. Most associations today were established at a time when people and organisations found true and clear reasons for working together and supporting each other. They also wanted to have a collective voice and, in many cases, develop and advance their profession.
As the national peak body representing professional fundraising in Australia, Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) knows this is a critical time for all of us.
There are more charities and not for profits than ever before. Needs are greater than ever before. Trust and confidence in fundraising organisations – indeed in our entire sector – are so critical, but we know these things are fragile. We are experiencing a time like no other, and it’s more important than ever that we work together, in collaboration with and support of each other.
Over the past two years, FIA has been the one unifying voice of our sector, the first responders to the most challenging impacts of disruption, including the proposal to eliminate cheques as a form of payment for donations; mitigating the effects of the new Facebook fundraising tools; continuing to advocate for exemptions to the Do Not Call Register; and lobbying for harmonisation of state-based fundraising regulation to reduce red tape. These are only a few of the issues that FIA has championed and continues to champion. The work we do on behalf of fundraising organisations and fundraisers is more important than ever.
As a not for profit that depends solely on the revenue from membership and providing professional development, our members’ investment goes straight back into the association – growing and advancing the fundraising sector, developing a strong professional identity for fundraisers and advancing the cause to be the best, most ethical fundraisers we can be. We work for our members, the sector, and ultimately the beneficiaries we all serve.
FIA membership is much more than just a discount to Australia’s premier professional development conference and courses for fundraisers. We are proud to be the guardian of Australia’s professional code of conduct and best practice that supports ethical fundraising. Membership provides access to the tools and resources required to pursue and advance best practice that inspires donor, supporter and stakeholder confidence. It also offers a pivotal opportunity to be part of and influence the change we want to see in the regulatory space and ultimately our sector. Finally, FIA membership gives fundraisers the ability to be part of a vibrant and amazing community of practitioners all working to make the greatest possible impact. That’s why associations – and FIA – exist.
To find out more, please visit