How to stay motivated in your job search

10 July 2020 at 7:04 pm
Job hunting can be tiresome work. We take a look at some of the ways you can keep yourself on track.
Most of us know what rejection feels like. You pour your heart and soul into applying for the job of your dreams only to be swiftly knocked back.
Despite your best efforts, it can sometimes be really hard to get back up and remain positive, which is why we’ve rounded up some useful tips to keep you motivated – even when you are feeling the opposite.
Set achievable goals
Instead of jumping straight into applying for every job you think you might be good at (something which will take up a lot of time and energy), start small and work your way up to bigger things.
This could include spending half your day researching companies you want to work for, applying for one new position each day, or expanding your network by reaching out to a new person in your field each day to stay connected.
Seek out criticism
It’s hard to know where you’re going wrong if you never get feedback. If you’re feeling a bit deflated in your job search, turn to someone who you know will give you honest but fair feedback on how you can work on your weaknesses, improve your resume, or up your interviewing game.
This can be anyone from a former colleague, to an old uni professor – people that have been there to see your skills develop over the years.
Their advice might also be hard to wear at first, but constructive criticism can really help reset your goals and spark motivation.
Acknowledge your achievements
Job hunting can be a thankless task, and it’s easy to lose track of everything you’ve achieved up until this point.
So if you’re feeling like you’re losing motivation for the task at hand, it can be super helpful to physically take note of all the skills, lessons and career achievements you’ve got under your belt. You’ll also be able to refer back to this list whenever you feel yourself giving up as a much needed boost to your ego.
Take a break
You’re not a robot, so if you feel like you’re hitting a wall, it’s ok to take some time out.
By taking a walk, doing some yoga, or bingeing your favourite TV show for a couple of hours, you’re sure to be a whole lot more productive once you sit back down at your desk.