Heading back to the office? Here’s how you can make the most of your morning commute

3 August 2020 at 8:18 am
Are you zoning out during your daily commute to work? Here’s why you shouldn’t.
Some of us around the country are returning to the office, and with that comes the return of the daily commute.
On average, we spend a year of our lives getting to and from work, which is a heck of a lot of time to just be zoning out while you zoom down a highway, getting frustrated in traffic.
While we’re not suggesting you pull together an entire report and two presentations on your way to work, we’ve rounded up three simple ways to switch on your brain, helping set you up for a successful and focused day at work.
And for those of you whose commute involves walking from your bedroom to home office, you can still test these tricks out as part of your morning routine.
Set some goals
Using a voice recorder in your car to set some personal and professional goals before you get into work will make them easier to actually achieve.
They don’t need to be enormous and overwhelming goals (because it’s far too early in the day to be solving how you’re going to make up your monthly budget). But they could include responding to 20 emails, or setting up that meeting with the prospective client you’ve been meaning to talk to for the last month.
Get your head in the game
Switching on your favourite daily news podcast or diving into an audiobook is a great way to pass the time. It’ll also switch your brain on, getting you ready for the day ahead.
Learn a language
Have you always wanted to master French but keep putting it off because you don’t have the time? Thanks to modern technology, you can download a whole range of podcasts and language apps to get you started on your foreign language journey.
Learning a language on your commute is a great way to challenge your brain and learn a really useful skill. Plus, if you travel to work by yourself, you can stuff up as many times as you need before nailing a tricky phrase or sentence and no one will ever know.