Australia’s community sector and COVID-19, working to make ends meet, and access to NILS

Photo by Christian Storz on Unsplash.
23 September 2020 at 5:13 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
Australia’s community sector and COVID-19: Supporting communities through the crisis, was recently released as an initiative of the Australian Community Sector Survey (ACSS), which is a partnership between ACOSS and the COSS Network supported by Community Sector Banking, with research undertaken by the UNSW Social Policy Research Centre. The survey found the community sector is approaching a crisis point as we see the anticipated collision of cuts to income support, worsening financial pressure and a potential end to government funding for equal pay. ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie said: “If we are truly all in this together, the government needs to commit to delivering adequate funding for community service workers, who are vital in helping those most in need to get through this crisis.”
ACTCOSS called on the federal government to scrap looming cuts to the JobSeeker payment that would plunge thousands of Canberrans into poverty. ACTCOSS also joined with peak disability representative organisations in calling for a more inclusive and accessible Canberra, and for the promise of the ACT as a human rights jurisdiction to be fulfilled in their election briefs.
Together with Mission Australia, NCOSS is calling on organisations to join this year’s Anti-Poverty Week (11 October to 17 October) social media campaign by making a short video to raise awareness about the levels of poverty and disadvantage in NSW communities. More information on how to participate can be found here or email:
WACOSS congratulated the WA state government for extending the moratorium on rent increases and evictions for a further six months. CEO Louise Giolitto said that at a time when families and children are at risk of becoming homeless, we need to “continue doing what we can to protect the wellbeing of the community”
The SACOSS Working To Make Ends Meet: Energy, Water and Telco Conference, to be virtually delivered on the 24 November, will draw on foundational research conducted by SACOSS on Waged Poor Households – households who are mainly receiving income from salaries and wages, but are nevertheless living below the poverty line. Register here. Are you a South Australian community organisation, employee or volunteer who is #HereForSA? Share your story or join the 33 organisations.
TasCOSS is highlighting the importance of supporting each other and doing more to support our own mental health. With everything that 2020 has thrown at us so far, Mental Health Week this year will be an important time to reflect and highlight.
QCOSS is calling on the state government to fund the No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) Community Network. They are asking for $3 million per annum to deliver on-the-ground services and outreach to provide Queenslanders with better access to NILS.
NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale spoke to ABC Alice Springs about cuts to the coronavirus supplement: “If we cut this supplement it’s going to see the NT lose $348 million over the next two years.”
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.