Gambling harm awareness, engaging with interpreters, and a thank you for community workers

4 November 2020 at 5:42 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
This week ACOSS appeared at the Senate Inquiry into the JobMaker wage subsidy for people under 35.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said: “The JobMaker wage subsidy offered a glimmer of hope for young people on jobs in an otherwise devastating federal budget for the more than a million people who are unemployed.
“It’s clear that young people have been disproportionately impacted by unemployment in this pandemic, however, there are people of all ages who will struggle to get back into employment, including older people suffering discrimination, people with disability, and people with caring responsibilities.
“We’re urging that the JobMaker wage subsidy be extended to people over 35 who have been unemployed for a year or more. It’s also crucial that the JobSeeker payment and other income support payments are permanently increased to a rate that allows people to keep a roof over their head and food on the table, as they try to rebuild their lives and get back into the workforce.”
Read ACOSS’ submission to the inquiry here.
Download the accessible version here.
This week is Gambling Harm Awareness Week in the ACT. ACTCOSS has joined with the Canberra Gambling Reform Alliance to call on the incoming ACT government to urgently act on gambling harm in the ACT. You can help reduce gambling harm by joining this campaign. With the final results of the ACT election now known, ACTCOSS is reaching out to engage with new and returning members in a changed ACT Legislative Assembly.
Join us at the NCOSS NSW Post-Budget virtual event on Thursday 26 November at 10am, to hear about the economic and fiscal outlook for NSW and how the 2020-21 Budget will impact the community services sector and the people it supports. We are pleased to announce NSW Treasurer The Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP will be joining us to highlight key budget priorities and the challenges ahead. We will also hear from Shadow Treasurer The Hon Walter Secord MLC; Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services The Hon Gareth Ward MP; and lead economist with Equity Economics Angela Jackson.
QCOSS has hosted a webinar on Engaging and working with interpreters, exploring how COVID-19 has affected the sector and sharing tips and useful information on how community services can access interpreters to improve the way they communicate with diverse communities.
With borders reopening and freedom of movement returning in a number of jurisdictions around Australia, it is important to acknowledge the tension and anxiety out in the community and within our workforce. TasCOSS’s COVID-19 Planning Series resources and how to guides are available to provide assistance and guidance on ensuring you have a COVID-19 safe workplace.
New evidence commissioned by WACOSS from the Not-for-profits University of Western Australia Research Group has revealed that WA’s charities are facing increased financial pressure, resulting in fewer services and lower quality jobs in the sector. The NFP Landscape 2020 report is alarming, and further evidence that funding for community services is not covering the cost of services.
On 24 November, SACOSS will host the Working to Make Ends Meet Virtual Conference. Featuring keynote speaker Saunoamaali’i Karanina Sumeo (equal employment opportunities commissioner at New Zealand Human Rights Commission), this conference draws on foundational SACOSS research into the key drivers of waged poverty, how to address it, and how we can plan a more equitable future for all. Register today at
“I want to give a shoutout.” More than 160,000 Victorians work in the community and social service sector, keeping people safe, healthy, supported and empowered. Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and as part of #ThankYouDay, Premier Dan Andrews has a message for them. More at
This year Anti-Poverty Week focused on the desperate national need for affordable housing, and NTCOSS joined forces with NT Shelter to look at the Territory’s housing challenges. In an Anti-Poverty Week webinar, Peter McMillan, the executive officer of NT Shelter, set out a path for the Northern Territory that would ensure all residents have access to safe, secure and affordable housing while supporting the building and construction sector to get the job done.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.