Aussie tradies turn pin-up boys for charity

23 January 2021 at 8:00 am
The inaugural Real Tradie Calendar sees tradies striking some hilarious poses for a good cause
A group of Victorian tradies are looking to give Aussie firefighters a run for their money, posing for a new charity calendar “you can never unsee” to raise mental health awareness.
While they don’t quite have the physique to match those modelling for the iconic Australian Firefighters Calendar, these tradies more than make up for it with their enthusiasm.
The calendar features tradies in a variety of poses, from doing a wet hair flick to sleeping in a wheelbarrow with a can of VB.
The inaugural Real Tradie Calendar features tradies from Goulburn Valley Plaster Products in Shepparton.
General manager Brad Hanson said the calendar aims to support the work of the This is a Conversation Starter (TIACS) Foundation, which offers blue-collar workers assistance to reach out and seek help whenever they need it.
“We asked our tradies if they wouldn’t mind having their photo taken for a calendar, and when they heard that it was to help raise awareness for mental health they jumped at the chance,” Hanson said.
“They understand the importance of raising awareness for mental health, so it was great to have the boys jump on board and have some fun in the spotlight.”
You can buy a copy of the calendar here.
Hilarious indeed! Fun calendar concept!