Grants and free programs to build resilience in our not for profits

19 January 2021 at 7:20 am
Not for profits all over Australia can access a wealth of free resources from Community Business Bureau (CBB) this year, starting with a grant program providing free specialist consulting to build business resilience.
The latest CBB Community Business Grant round is now open for applications. This time, Australian not for profits can apply for free specialist business consulting to improve their organisational resilience through business model and risk management support.
This year, the CBB consulting team are stepping up their initiatives to build the capacity and sustainability of their fellow not for profits. Several initiatives will follow this grant round, the first of which is another grant, this time especially for organisations that support people with disabilities.
Successful applicants will receive support from CBB’s expert consultants to either develop a new service or grow an existing service. Having supported over 100 organisations in their transition to NDIS service provision across the country, CBB’s consultants are highly skilled at navigating the sector’s complex systems, challenges, and opportunities. This grant is due to launch in February.
There is also more support for not for profits hoping to build their resilience as CBB launches an online resource in February. These self-paced learning tools will be free to access and will include informational videos each packed full of practical tips and advice for building stronger business models, as well as other resources. To be notified when the Business Resilience resources are available, subscribe for updates here.
CBB is a national not for profit dedicated to building the capacity and sustainability of its sector. This new grant round addresses a pressing need to strengthen organisations well into the future, creating longer-term outcomes for the communities it serves.
Community Business Grant: Business Resilience
For many years, not for profits have dealt with financial uncertainty; this is nothing new. However, the events of 2020 have challenged the sector like never before. The pandemic and resulting economic downturn meant that many organisations found themselves suddenly unable to carry out their core services, disrupting their activities and revenue streams.
On the other hand, some not for profits were positively affected or were able to successfully adapt their services to suit the new market environment. A fortunate few are even experiencing growth in their profits and financial reserves.
Financial support in the form of government stimulus was available for eligible not for profits, though according to a survey by the AICD, only 48 per cent of recipients were able to turn a profit. This statistic highlights that there are systemic issues in the sector that need to be addressed, particularly with regard to business models.
Regardless of the nature of 2020’s impact, organisations may wish to revisit their business models and risk management policies in order to adapt to their new market environments – and future-proof against future crises. Ultimately, business resilience is key to ensuring our not for profits are able to withstand challenges.
That’s why CBB’s Community Business Grant: Business Resilience will provide successful applicants with free support from expert business consultants. Through meetings, workshops, and training sessions, consultants will analyse and provide advice on organisations’ business models.
Key aspects of successful applicants’ business, such as value proposition, key resources, and cost structure, will be assessed. With vulnerabilities and opportunities identified, the consultants will work with staff members and board to develop strategies that address and even take advantage of them.
Using their unique personalised approach to coaching and educating, CBB’s consultants will work one-on-one with not for profit staff to build their skills and ensure they are equipped to carry out this same work for years to come.
If your organisation needs support to adapt to your new market environment, improve sustainability, and future-proof against market disruptions, check out the Business Resilience grant at
Applications are open now and close at 1pm (ACST) on Friday 5 February 2021.
About CBB
CBB is driven by its mission to support other not for profits to grow. CBB’s salary packaging and business consulting services build the capacity and sustainability of organisations across Australia – and importantly, they improve the job satisfaction and skills of the people who work tirelessly within the sector to make a difference.
This round of the Community Business Grants is funded by the CBB Community Development Fund, an initiative focused on providing free support to the not-for-profit sector.