State budgets, helping the community get the jab and Queensland's housing crisis

31 May 2021 at 3:58 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
This week, ACOSS released a post-budget gender analysis examining the impact of the federal budget on women’s economic security, which found that women on low incomes, including single parents and older women, are being left behind. In the lead up to the federal budget, women banded together to send a strong message that “Enough is Enough”. While the government has heard these calls to some extent, with some welcome initiatives targeted at women, overall the analysis found that the budget did not meaningfully deliver on the need for structural and cultural change. Instead, the federal budget, like many budgets before, locks in gender inequality by failing to address that our tax, employment and superannuation systems are stacked in favour of men. At the same time, the budget does nothing to specifically support single mothers on low incomes or older women struggling to find paid work and facing homelessness. Read the analysis here.
Following the release of the 2021-22 NSW budget, NCOSS invites you to join the annual NCOSS NSW Post-Budget (Hybrid) Event on Friday 2 July at Parliament House or virtually. The event is an opportunity to engage with political leaders on issues of significance to NSW families and communities – particularly those doing it tough. Speakers include NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet MP, who will outline the fiscal outlook for NSW, the details of the 2021-22 state budget, and what it means for the community services sector and the people we support. Register today!
The Property Council of Australia and Master Builders Queensland have joined QCOSS in calling for action on Queensland’s housing crisis. All three major industry bodies want to see the government deliver a large social housing investment in next month’s state budget to help 47,000 people in need of housing, while also contributing to a stronger post-COVID economy.
The 2021 state election campaign is over and Tasmania has a new government. The community services industry will play a pivotal role in the next term of government as we seek to rebuild a stronger, more inclusive Tasmania. With a majority Liberal government returned, TasCOSS weighs up how their commitments addressed its election platform. Read its analysis here.
WACOSS made a submission to the WA Industrial Relations Commission on the 2021 State Wage Case. In order to protect people on low incomes from poverty, it has submitted that a 4 per cent increase, or $30.40 per week, is consistent to meet the needs of the low paid, contributes to improved living standards for employees, and is a sensible and measured increase in the context of the WA economy. The decision will be delivered on Friday 26 June.
In the lead up to the ACT budget, ACTCOSS in conjunction with the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD) have been running community sector consultations and briefings. These sessions have allowed community sector organisations direct access to the ACT Treasury, and the opportunity to share key budget priorities.
SACOSS last week launched the Falling through the gaps report which casts a spotlight on issues of access to safe, affordable, reliable drinking water in regional and remote areas, and provides a practical approach to tackling this issue. SACOSS is making a number of calls, including for a state-wide stocktake of current water supply arrangements.
VCOSS will be doing their bit to make sure Victorian community sector organisations and the diverse community served understand the COVID immunisation program, recognise the importance of being vaccinated and are supported to “get the jab”. This will be a new regular section in the VCOSS enews, where links and resources will be shared related to the vaccine program. Click here to register for the official newsletter.
Earlier this month, NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale spoke to the ABC’s Jo Laverty and Adam Steer about the NT budget which failed to deliver significant initiatives or leadership that will make inroads into the Territory’s poverty or disadvantage. Click here to learn more.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.