Lessons on governance, a new role, and the true meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act

7 July 2021 at 4:52 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
ACOSS has joined with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia and the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations to highlight the important role of the community sector in a successful vaccine roll out.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said: “Government needs to go beyond working with the business community on the vaccine roll out and there is support from the community sector, unions and business leaders to all work together.
“Community services are on the ground helping people to understand how they can access vaccines. We need to see community sector leaders also empowered and resourced to communicate clear messages to the people their services support, especially people facing poverty and disadvantage.
“Communities across the country need to be hearing about the vaccination roll-out from local leaders who they trust, for example, from First Nations leaders and culturally diverse leaders.”
SACOSS has released its analysis of the SA state budget, which was handed down on 22 June. It takes a look at the economic context for SA and examines budget measures across human services, health and wellbeing, and child protection – those welcomed by SACOSS, those not supported, and those somewhere in between! Click here for more information.
Do you work with clients who are struggling to pay their electricity bills or need some extra help understanding the energy and water market? QCOSS has developed a suite of downloadable energy and water resources, including factsheets, posters and animated videos, which explore topics such as how to call your energy provider, understanding your water bill and how to identify a concealed leak. Check out the resources here.
NCOSS is offering a free unique learning opportunity, in partnership with NSW TAFE and the Australian Lawyers Alliance. Arundhati Roy (novelist/human rights activist) said, “Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew… It is a portal…between one world and the next.” This live Zoom lecture series will offer insights and tools to nurture and grow human rights approaches. Secure your space now here (Wednesday mornings on 21 July, 28 July and 4 August).
WACOSS is currently recruiting for a deputy chief executive officer for a 12 month secondment or three year fixed term contract. This role oversees the organisation’s social policy, special projects, and business development work, as well as providing inspiring leadership for the team. Applications close 9am, Friday 30 July 2021.
Want to know more about good governance? TasCOSS provides bespoke introductory governance workshops, to help build understanding of good governance practice. These workshops are interesting, interactive and tailored. Moreover, the Take Me To Your Board podcast is a great resource, applying the 10 NFP governance principles outlined by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) to real world examples and exploring best practice with high profile guests. Click here to get in touch about training with TasCOSS.
As part of the Bushfire Recovery Project, VCOSS is developing a Bushfire Recovery Outcomes Framework to help identify and measure the important contribution of community organisations to bushfire recovery. Recent workshops provided the opportunity to gather communities’ shared experiences, needs and insights along the bushfire recovery journey. Learn more here.
In the lead up to the 2021-22 ACT budget, ACTCOSS has made a submission to the ACT Government’s Budget Consultation. The 2021-22 ACT budget will be released on 31 August 2021. In its submission, ACTCOSS has listed its priority policies for the achievement of a just and fair Canberra. Included are calls for the ACT government to urgently address the ACT’s ongoing housing crisis; to provide adequate funding for community sector organisations; and to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. Learn more here.
NTCOSS is part of the call to the federal government to restore the true meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).The DDA was intended by Parliament to recognise that positive action may be required to avoid disability discrimination. The reasonable adjustment provisions were designed to achieve this by ensuring that changes to structures, systems and practices are made to enable the full and effective participation and inclusion of people with disability in society. Learn more here.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.