How to work and study at the same time

10 February 2022 at 3:59 pm
If you’re struggling to stay on top of your dual workload, we’re here to help
Going back to study while you’re working full-time is a popular choice these days.
For many people, the thought of going back to being a broke student is unfathomable, so the idea of upskilling while you earn your normal salary sounds like a win-win. But, the workload can quickly get out of hand and can lead you to struggling in your job and/or studies.
That’s why, for those of you thinking about going back to hit the books, we’ve rounded up some of the best ways to keep your head above water so that you can successfully make it through this busy (but rewarding) time.
Focus on what you’re working towards
Anyone who has a full-time job knows how much time it takes up, let alone adding a study load on top. It will take some getting used to, and you will feel overwhelmed at times, but remember why you’ve chosen to go back to study and what you’re actually working towards in the long term.
Keep communication lines open
Trying to juggle all your study and work commitments on your own and in silence is a recipe for disaster. Communicating honestly and openly with your boss about upcoming assignments or busy periods will help them manage your time in a way that works for you.
Know your limits
If you’re feeling seriously overwhelmed and burnt out for extended periods of time (and not just during busy periods) it’s important to understand what options you have. Many degrees and courses have an option to take a leave of absence, or to drop a subject. You might be working hard towards a specific goal, but just remember that reaching that goal isn’t worth your sanity, so know when to take a break.