Demands to raise JobSeeker, getting on the electoral roll and the Tasmania Package.

13 April 2022 at 5:18 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
ACOSS is calling on all candidates and parties to commit to raising the rate of JobSeeker to $70 a day and urges them to realise what a crucial policy issue this must be for any future government. On any given day, there are 1.5 million people living in poverty, struggling to get by on JobSeeker. ACOSS polling in November showed there is broad support amongst voters to increase JobSeeker, so that it is enough to cover the basics.
Secure your spot at the VCOSS Treasurer’s Breakfast 2022. With Victoria’s COVID recovery underway and an election looming in November, the 2022 budget is shaping up as one of the most important in decades. Less than 24 hours after delivering this year’s budget, Treasurer Tim Pallas will be on his feet answering your questions.
ACTCOSS has today joined a coalition of Australian community organisations, including Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, the Human Rights Legal Centre and Civil Liberties Australia, to call on the ACT government to implement an accessible human rights complaint mechanism.
NCOSS has joined with the Community Housing Industry Association NSW, NSW Aboriginal Community Housing Industry Association and Homelessness NSW to call on the NSW government to fund a significant and immediate housing recovery package to address both the short and long-term impact of floods across NSW.
The 2022 federal budget doesn’t plan for Australia’s future; it’s a budget for the short-term that has no solutions for the underlying structural pressures of rising living costs and flatlining wages. WACOSS CEO Louise Giolitto said the biggest issue for Australian families was the rising price of essential daily spending at a time when income support payments are below the poverty line and wages continue to fall in real terms.
Early April saw SACOSS undertake one of its Regional Roundtables, with a spotlight on SA’s Yorke and North region. Access to affordable housing, mental health services and digital inclusion were key themes of discussion, and SACOSS took the opportunity to launch tailored digital inclusion resources for the York Peninsula, Peterborough and Karoonda East Murray areas.
Two years on from our initial lockdown, Tasmanian households, communities and the economy continue to be severely impacted by COVID-19. TasCOSS is looking to the next federal government to pull every lever at its disposal to support Tasmanian households struggling with mounting cost of living pressures. The Tasmania Package identifies five key areas where the next federal government must focus its attention and resources.
Registrations have opened for the 2022 QCOSS Conference. Together we will explore Power and Politics of the Care Economy. Our sector is on the frontline of caregiving, supports community cohesion and provides a critical social safety net, yet our feminised workforce faces insecure conditions, demand for services is growing and the people we support continue to face entrenched disadvantage.
The 2022 federal election has been called. Now is the time to get on the electoral roll or update your details. NTCOSS is working in partnership with the Australian Electoral Commission to share information and resources to promote Aboriginal electoral participation in the electoral system, including getting on the electoral roll, voting at election time, and election related employment opportunities.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.