Pro Bono News releases promise tracker for the 2022 federal election

18 May 2022 at 4:48 pm
Using this tracker, Pro Bono News will continue to hold the incoming government to account on its promises to the sector.
Over the course of the election campaign we have tracked the promises made by the major parties that are most relevant to our sector, and added them to this table.
The announcements included here are in no particular order but do cover the issues you identified as being most relevant to you in our pre-election poll. Note – we have only included announcements made during the campaign, not promises made in the last federal budget.
Also note: the Greens have an extensive policy platform related to climate. Here, we have only included the major announcements however you can read the full plan on their website.
We will use this table to hold the incoming government to account and track its progress towards meeting its stated goals. Click on the image below to view the table in full.
Have we missed a promise? Or do you have any feedback on this table? Let us know – email
Party | Minister | Promise | Area / Sector |
Party | Minister | Promise | Area / Sector |
Liberal | Richard Colbeck | Commit to a five-year plan, worth $18.8 billion, to improve aged care including 40,000 home care packages, over 48,000 additional training places, 7,000 new personal care workers and 8,400 respite services |
Aged care |
Labor | Clare O’Neil | Ensure that every aged care facility has a registered nurse on site 24/7, mandate that every aged care resident gets an average of 215 minutes of care per day as per the recommendation made by the Aged Care Royal Commission, and work with the sector to improve the food served in aged care homes by developing and implementing mandatory nutrition standards |
Aged care |
Labor | Clare O’Neil | Support for workers’ calls for better pay at the Fair Work Commission |
Aged care |
Greens | Unknown | Implement a $6 billion package to improve aged care, including by increasing hours of care for each resident to 4 hours 18 minutes per day, introducing staff to patient ratios, increasing aged care workers’ wages by 25 per cent and phasing out for-profit providers |
Aged care |
Liberal | Unknown | Increase to the Child Care Subsidy by 30 per cent for second and subsequent children in a family with children aged five or under in child care, up to a maximum rate of 95 per cent |
Child care |
Liberal | Unknown | Establish 27 new Connected Beginnings sites by 2025 for First Nations children |
Child care |
Liberal | Unknown | Fund another 20 child care services in remote and very remote settings through the Community Child Care Fund |
Child care |
Labor | Unknown | Increase the maximum Child Care Subsidy rate to 90 per cent for the first child in care, and increase subsidy rates for families with one child in care and less than $530,000 in household income. A higher Child Care Subsidy rate will apply for second and additional children |
Child care |
Greens | Unknown | $19 billion in funding over the next four years to make early childhood education and care free for everyone, plus support for First Nations community-controlled services |
Child care |
Liberal | Angus Taylor | Reduce emissions by 30-35 per cent by 2030 |
Climate crisis |
Labor | Chris Bowen | Reduce emissions by 43 per cent by 2030, and reach net zero by 2050 |
Climate crisis |
Labor | Chris Bowen | Design a National Electric Vehicle Strategy and provide discounts on electric cars |
Climate crisis |
Labor | Chris Bowen | Install 400 community batteries across Australia |
Climate crisis |
Greens | Sarah Hanson-Young | Immediately ban the construction of new coal, oil and gas infrastructure in Australia, and phase out the mining, burning and export of thermal coal by 2030 |
Climate crisis |
Greens | Sarah Hanson-Young | Provide grants of up to $25,000 and loans up to $100,000 to help households and small businesses move from gas to electric |
Climate crisis |
Greens | Sarah Hanson-Young | Increasing funding for emergency services, the BOM and the CSIRO |
Climate crisis |
Greens | Sarah Hanson-Young | Banning political donations from the mining and resources sector and other industries identified as “dirty”, and capping all other donations at $1,000 per year |
Climate crisis |
Greens | Sarah Hanson-Young | Ending the more than $10 billion in subsidies provided to coal, oil and gas corporations each year and reinvesting that money into the transition to clean energy |
Climate crisis |
Liberal | Unknown | Provide $2.5 billion over the first five years of the next National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children (set to begin in mid-2022) |
Family violence |
Liberal | Unknown | Working to close the gender pay gap | Family violence |
Labor | Unknown | Establishing a Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Commissioner |
Family violence |
Labor | Unknown | Funding 500 community sector workers to support women in crisis situations |
Family violence |
Labor | Unknown | Legislating 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave |
Family violence |
Labor | Unknown | Creating a separate national plan to end violence against First Nations women and children |
Family violence |
Greens | Unknown | Providing $477 million for the national roll out of Our Watch’s Respectful Relationships program in all public schools |
Family violence |
Greens | Unknown | Providing $12 billion over 12 years to support the National Plan for Ending Violence Against Women and Children, and a standalone National Plan for First Nations Women |
Family violence |
Greens | Unknown | Providing 10 days paid domestic violence leave and $10,000 Survivor Grants for those fleeing abusive relationships |
Family violence |
Greens | Unknown | Adopting all recommendations in the Respect@Work and Set the Standard reports |
Family violence |
Greens | Unknown | Closing the gender pay gap | Family violence |
Liberal | Unknown | $7.7 million to extend Indigenous Business Australia’s Indigenous Home Ownership Program |
First Nations |
Labor | Linda Burney | Implementation of full Uluru Statement |
First Nations |
Labor | Unknown | $13.5 million for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal services, $1 million for NATSILS, and $3 million for the National Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Forum |
First Nations |
Labor | Unknown | Establishment of real time reporting at a national level of First Nations deaths in custody |
First Nations |
Labor | Unknown | $52.9 million for a First Nations Health Worker Traineeship Program |
First Nations |
Labor | Unknown | $13.5 million to help eradicate rheumatic heart disease |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | $250 million for a national Truth and Justice Commission |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | Legal protection for First Nations people’s tangible and intangible heritage |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | $371 million to self-determined, community-led First Nations health services |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | $1.07 billion in funding to build First Nations owned healing places |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | Raising the legal age of responsibility to at least 14 |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | Establishment of a First Nations legal defence fund |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | Implementation of the recommendations from the Australian Law Reform Commissions’ Pathway to Justice report, and the recommendations from the Royal Commission into the Detention and Protection of Children in the Northern Territory |
First Nations |
Greens | Unknown | Establishment of a Stolen Generations compensation scheme, providing each survivor with a $200,000 payment |
First Nations |
Liberal | Michael Sukkar | Super Home Buyer Scheme | Housing/Homelessness |
Liberal | Michael Sukkar | Expansion of the low-deposit Home Guarantee Scheme for first home buyers |
Housing/Homelessness |
Liberal | Michael Sukkar | $2 billion in low-cost financing to community housing providers for the construction of new social and affordable rental houses |
Housing/Homelessness |
Labor | Jason Clare | Help to Buy Scheme | Housing/Homelessness |
Labor | Jason Clare | Creation of the Housing Australia Future Fund – $10 billion for 30,000 social and affordable houses in five years |
Housing/Homelessness |
Labor | Jason Clare | Investments from Housing Australia Future Fund: $200 million for remote Indigenous housing $100 million for crisis and transitional housing for women and children fleeing domestic and family violence and older women on low incomes who are at risk of homelessness $30 million for housing specialist services for veterans who are experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of homelessness |
Housing/Homelessness |
Greens | Mehreen Faruqi | Establishment of Federal Housing Trust to build one million public and community homes over 20 years |
Housing/Homelessness |
Greens | Mehreen Faruqi | $7 billion in capital grants for improvement of existing public housing |
Housing/Homelessness |
Greens | Mehreen Faruqi | Establish a national standard of renters’ rights, plus boost and guarantee funding for tenants’ advocacy services by $30 million per year |
Housing/Homelessness |
Liberal | Linda Reynolds | Fully fund the NDIS | NDIS/Disability |
Liberal | Linda Reynolds | $2 million for a two-year pilot program for Australians with disability to develop their leadership and senior executive skills and prepare them for board membership |
NDIS/Disability |
Labor | Bill Shorten | Fix the NDIS – including conducting an expert review to make sure no plans are unfairly reduced, measuring the implementation of the National Disability Strategy, reviewing the design, operation and sustainability of the NDIS and codesigning solutions with people with disability themselves |
NDIS/Disability |
Greens | Jordon Steele-John | Invest $30 million over four years into disability advocacy organisations |
NDIS/Disability |
Greens | Jordon Steele-John | Fully fund, staff and resource the NDIS; provide $300 million for the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission; reinvest the $160 million committed to corporations during the failed independent assessments bid; and remove the age limit that prevents disabled people aged over 65 from accessing the NDIS |
NDIS/Disability |
Greens | Jordon Steele-John | Support for two proposals by Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN): $2 million over 2 years for QDN to continue to operate the Targeted Outreach project, and a commitment to the development of a national plan and roadmap for disability-inclusive disaster preparedness, resilience, and recovery, as well as investment for multi-sector targeted responses |
NDIS/Disability |
Labor | Andrew Leigh | Double philanthropic giving by 2030 | Philanthropy |
Greens | Janet Rice | Raise the rate of all income support payments to $88 a day |
Welfare |