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Save the Children unveils rebrand after two years of development 

28 July 2022 at 3:35 pm
Samantha Freestone
Save the Children Australia has finally revealed the rebrand and related structure of its  Australian services division to 54 Reasons, after two years of development.

Samantha Freestone | 28 July 2022 at 3:35 pm


Save the Children unveils rebrand after two years of development 
28 July 2022 at 3:35 pm

Save the Children Australia has finally revealed the rebrand and related structure of its  Australian services division to 54 Reasons, after two years of development.

Save the Children is launching the rebrand of its Australian services division this week to 54 Reasons, after a two-year consultation and development process with children and young people who access their services, parents, teachers, school principals and government agencies.

It has also flagged a new strategic plan to be published in four weeks and a new practice and outcomes framework, which will be released publically a month later.

Simone Gianelli, head of strategy and growth for 54 Reasons was instrumental in the creation of the strategic plan and the practice and outcomes framework, leaning on her background in government from a strategic perspective.

“We have taken around 12 months to do this right [and] have invested in a new practice development team,” she said.

“This isn’t new for the sector but it is new for us. We have updated our standard measurement tools and we are currently re-training our team.

“Focusing on child-led delivery outcomes is an exciting new direction. We will measure our outcomes based on feedback from the children we are serving. I’m ready for school, I feel safe, I can make positive choices are some of the child-focused outcome measures embedded in the outcomes framework.”

Gianelli said the new direction is based on existing research around positive child outcomes.

“It goes back to the research that says if you have the children involved in implementation and design, there are better outcomes,” she said. 

“The human-centred design piece is: how are you empowering children to empower themselves? How are you supporting parents to be their child’s best advocate?”

Matt Gardiner is heading up 54 Reasons, after serving as the executive director of what was Australian services. He told Pro Bono News the rebrand is not just happening at a surface level.

“What we did when we decided to rebrand the Australian services division was to do a complete transformation to the structure of what we do,” he said.

“We have a new strategic plan which will be published in four weeks and a month after that our brand new practice and outcomes framework will be made public.”

The new naming of the division 54 Reasons is taken from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Save The Children’s founder Eglantyne Jebb drafted a century ago.

“The name is an opportunity to educate, because it is abstract, and to reiterate to the children their own rights.”

Gardiner added the rebrand is part of a larger change in approach.

“We didn’t want to just write a business plan and call it a strategic plan, we really investigated how we wanted to operate and stay true to the origins of the organisation, and that is children’s rights,” he said.


Samantha Freestone  |  @ProBonoNews

Samantha Freestone is a career reporter with a special interest in Indo-Pacific geopolitics, sustainable financial market reporting and politics.


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