$30m funding for new public housing in ACT

1 August 2022 at 12:38 pm
Funding to tackle the housing crisis in the ACT is on its way, but some say it is not enough.
The ACT government is pledging new funding for public and community housing ahead of its state budget, to be released tomorrow.
It will spend $30 million on new public housing and another $57.3 million on public housing repair, with the announcement coming during this year’s Homelessness Week.
The budget announcement is on top of $80 million previously allocated in the 2021-22 budget.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data from 2019/2020 shows more than 4,000 people were assisted by specialist homelessness services in that period with “half of them (2,200 people) homeless on first presentation.”
As part of the housing plan, the new 2022 Indicative Land Release Program (ILRP) was announced, with plans to release 16,417 dwelling sites over the next five years.
While ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) CEO Dr Emma Campbell welcomed the commitment, she said what is really needed is in the “billions”.
“Today’s announcement by the ACT government is a long-awaited and desperately needed response to the ACT’s housing crisis,” she said.
“It acknowledges advocacy by ACTCOSS, ACT Shelter and the Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) calling for major investment in, and engagement with, the issue of housing affordability and homelessness in Canberra.
“The ACT has an immediate shortfall of 3,100 social housing dwellings and 2,400 affordable rentals. Every day 2000 Canberrans experience homelessness.
“This investment should help to deliver the 400 public housing dwellings already promised by the ACT Government and provide the resources required to improve existing public housing after years of neglect.”.
ACT chief minister Andrew Barr said “nation leading population growth” over the past decade has put pressure on our local housing market.
“In this budget, the government is acting to further improve affordability and the supply of housing in the territory,” he said.
“From targeted stamp duty cuts through to the construction of hundreds of new public housing dwellings – we are taking further steps to ensure Canberrans have access to safe and secure homes.”