Surging cost of living and social housing waitlist on list of COSS concerns

28 September 2022 at 2:50 pm
A new ACOSS report demonstrates the devastating impact of the surging cost of living, as QCOSS research shows over 90 per cent of social house waitlist are “high need”.
The surging cost of living is having a devastating impact for people on income support, with six in ten eating less or reporting difficulty getting medicine or care, according to a new report by ACOSS.
The report, How JobSeeker and other income support payments are falling behind the cost of living launched yesterday at Parliament House Canberra (Tuesday 27 September). It surveyed 449 people living on JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and Parenting Payment between July and August 2022 to gauge how they are managing to cover the cost of basic goods and services in the face of skyrocketing living costs. Click here to learn more and read the report.
New analysis from QCOSS shows there are 45,958 people on Queensland’s social housing register. 26,286, 90.8 per cent of all applications, have been assessed as having a ‘very high’ need. This represents an increase of 152 per cent from 2017. Click here to learn more.
SACOSS’ upcoming conference Alternative Futures: Ending Poverty will address the big topic of what we can do to achieve a future without poverty. To be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on 18 November, it will bring together a range of speakers for informative and inspiring sessions. Topics include housing affordability, privatisation, digital inclusion, and the Uluru Statement, as well as public attitudes about poverty, and busting myths about government support.
TasCOSS: Energy customers affected by family violence will soon be better protected following an announcement by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC). From 1 May 2023, energy retailers will be required to have family violence policies that set out how they will support and protect customers experiencing family violence. Find out more.
In a recent survey of renters in WA, 95 per cent of respondents said they would find it difficult or very difficult financially if rents were to increase another 10 per cent in the next 12 months, which what is predicted in WA. As a member of the Make Renting Fair alliance, WACOSS supports the Tenancy Ten – ten asks to improve the life of people renting, one of which includes a cap on rent increases – so that everyone has a place to call home.
VCOSS is proud to share a comprehensive analysis of community sentiment developed during a statewide ‘Listening Tour’ from February to May 2022. Victorians have nominated loneliness, the ‘digital divide’, housing struggles, access to decent food and the rising cost of essentials among their chief concerns. Read the report.
ACTCOSS welcomed the expansion of the Home Energy Support Program to include new rebates of up to $2,500 for people on low incomes to purchase efficient electric appliances. Click to read more.
In the aftermath of the Lismore-Bundjalung Country flooding this year, the team at the Koori Mail stepped in to support the community when government agencies could not. In this keynote address on Day 1 of the NCOSS 2022 Conference, Naomi Moran will speak about listening to local Aboriginal voices and Aboriginal knowledge, and taking action to support self-determination. Click here to register.
This week NTCOSS Policy Manager Sarah Holder speaks to ABC TV News about the most recent NTCOSS Cost of Living Report. Click here to watch.