Appeals for govt to intervene in energy market, cost of living in focus in SA and Vic election tracker launches

9 November 2022 at 3:27 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
ACOSS is calling on the federal government to intervene in the energy market as a matter of urgency to bring down energy prices and inflation and relieve unbearable cost of living pressures – especially for those on the lowest incomes. ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said “Predicted energy price rises of 56 per cent over the next two years will be impossible for people on low incomes who are already struggling with the high cost of housing, fuel and food.” Click here to read full response.
SACOSS has just released its latest Cost of Living Report. With a focus on rental affordability in regional SA, the report highlights rapidly increasing rent and rental affordability problems in regional South Australia. It underlines the need for a significant investment in public housing in the regions, and improvements to housing concessions to help those who are struggling most.
Western Australians are facing a difficult and turbulent economic future, with the cost of essential items like food, transport and housing rising at an alarming rate. WACOSS 2023-2024 State Budget Submission has been developed to have the greatest impact for those doing it hardest and focuses on creating a stronger future for our state. Click here to read.
NTCOSS welcome legislative changes to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 12. NTCOSS congratulates the NT Government for keeping its promise and will continue the campaign to increase it to 14. Click here to learn more.
VCOSS launches the 2022 Victorian election Policy Tracker. The tracker catalogues the major parties’ social policy pledges ahead of the November election. It will be updated each weekday between now and 26 November. VCOSS CEO Emma King said side-by-side comparisons will help voters assess the parties’ social platforms.
Government will often ask for submissions to help them understand sector concerns, and the process is an important way we can influence government decision-making – but it can be difficult to know where to start. Join QCOSS for this webinar on Tuesday, 15 November from 2:00pm-3:00pm (AEST) to find out.
ACTCOSS has cautiously welcomed a commitment to increase to the age of criminal responsibility to 12, and then to 14 within two years, through a staged response to allow for the implementation of service reforms. ACTCOSS expressed significant concern at the Government’s decision to include carve outs or exceptions for 12 and 13 year old children who commit serious offences. Click here to read the full statement.
Join TasCOSS‘s upcoming online Policy Conversation to discuss the need for a Tasmanian charter of rights, the Alliance for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act and the upcoming rally on Saturday 26 November 2022. Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Sarah Bolt, will introduce the campaign and moderate a discussion between Yvette Cehtel (Women’s Legal Service Tasmania) and Daney Faddoul (Human Rights Law Centre).
NCOSS Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2023 (RAP) was created in conversation with First Nations stakeholders and NCOSS staff. The implementation is guided by lead RAP consultant Rowena Lawrie from Yamurrah, and the First Nations Partners and Advisors Group (PAG), chaired by Boe Rambaldini – Bundjalung Elder and Associate Professor Macquarie University and Belinda Field, CEO Yerin Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health Services.