Who are Australia’s inclusive employers?

14 November 2022 at 1:50 pm
The Inclusive Employers Index recognises workplaces that are exceeding national benchmarks on inclusion measures.
The Diversity Council Australia’s (DCA) 30 Inclusive Employers for 2022-23 Index features inclusions from the not-for-profit sector, energy, agriculture, confectionery and more.
The recognition is the only one of its kind in Australia, and recognises workplaces in which a diversity of people are respected, connected, progressing and contributing to organisational success.
To be deemed eligible as an Inclusive Employer, DCA members must:
- Invite at least 60 per cent of their employees to participate in DCA’s Inclusive Employer Index Assessment, where they provide detailed responses about their experience of inclusion at work.
- Show that they are active and committed to inclusion by achieving results that exceed the National Index Benchmark on at least five out of six of the following measures: awareness; engagement; inclusive organisational climate; inclusive leadership; inclusive team; exclusion.
This year’s Inclusive Employers come from across a diverse spectrum of employers: public, private and non-government, large and small.
The Inclusive Employers Index is an extension of DCA’s Inclusion@Work Index which maps the state of inclusion across the Australian workplace landscape and provides a business case for inclusion at work.
According to DCA, employees who work in an inclusive organisation are:
- four times less likely to experience discrimination and/or harassment
- eight times more likely to be highly effective than those in non-inclusive teams
- eight times more likely to be innovative
- four times more likely to provide excellent customer service.
“Inclusion is good for employers and for employees. The organisations who have participated in this year’s Inclusive Employer Index are demonstrating their commitment to inclusion and through their participation they can reflect on their achievements and identify ways to do even better,” said DCA CEO Lisa Annese.
“Inclusion isn’t an add on extra for these organisations, it is a super-power and it is critical to their success.
The 30 Inclusive Employers for 2022-23, in alphabetical order, are:
- ACOR Consultants
- Adelaide Airport Limited
- Alinta Energy
- Anglicare Victoria
- Australia Pacific Airports Corporation
- Australian Maritime Safety Authority
- AVID Property Group Pty Ltd
- Banyule Community Health
- BaptistCare NSW & ACT
- Carers Queensland Ltd
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA
- Cisco Systems Australia Pty Ltd
- City of Stirling
- Clean Energy Finance Corporation
- ConnellGriffin Lty Ptd
- Davies Collison Cave
- Defence Housing Australia
- Helping Hand Aged Care, South Australia
- Impact Community Services
- John Deere Limited
- Landcom
- Mars Australia & New Zealand
- Perron Group
- Property Council of Australia
- Schneider Electric
- Services Australia
- The Social Research Centre
- Ultimate Kronos Group
- WISE Employment