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New Year’s resolutions for a reconnected Australia

9 January 2023 at 3:45 pm
Andrew Leigh
In our new series we asked industry leaders to name their resolutions for 2023. They can be personal, sector-wide or anything else – resolutions are, after all, in the eye of the beholder. We start the series with assistant minister for charities Andrew Leigh. 

Andrew Leigh | 9 January 2023 at 3:45 pm


New Year’s resolutions for a reconnected Australia
9 January 2023 at 3:45 pm

In our new series we asked industry leaders to name their resolutions for 2023. They can be personal, sector-wide or anything else – resolutions are, after all, in the eye of the beholder. We start the series with assistant minister for charities Andrew Leigh. 

Over the past generation, Australians have become less likely to join community organisations and participate in team sport. Australians have become less likely to volunteer, and less likely to donate to charity. Religious participation and union membership are down. Australians know fewer neighbours, and have fewer close friends. 

On top of this, the charity sector has suffered through nine years of attacks on advocacy from conservative governments that viewed charities with hostility, and undermined the charities commission. 

I want to change that. I’ve held the charities portfolio for Labor since 2013. I love charities, and the hard working people who drive them. As assistant minister for charities, I’m determined to use the portfolio to rebuild community.

That starts with boosting philanthropy. The new Australian government has set a goal to double philanthropy by 2030, and we’re keen to work with everyone from school-kids to billionaires to create a culture of giving back. Donations don’t just help the recipient – they benefit the giver too. That’s why they call it the ‘helper’s high’.

Australia’s organisations need more volunteers. Whether it’s a one-off like Clean Up Australia Day, or an ongoing commitment through your child’s sporting team, volunteers are essential to a stronger community and a fairer society. Let’s get more people giving their time to build community.

We also need new charities to tackle fresh challenges. Over recent decades, the number of associations per person has plummeted. Encouraging startups in the social innovation sector is a vital priority for the nation.

My personal resolution is to be a better friend, dad and husband. That means spending less time on digital devices, and more time walking, running and cycling with friends and family. After all, no-one ever lay on their deathbed wishing they’d spent more time scrolling social media. And what better time than an Australian summer to enjoy time with those we love?

Andrew Leigh is the Assistant Minister for Charities, and author (with Nick Terrell) of Reconnected: A Community Builder’s Handbook.

Andrew Leigh  |  @ProBonoNews

Andrew Leigh is the assistant minister for charities, and author (with Nick Terrell) of Reconnected: A Community Builder’s Handbook.

Tags : #resolutions23,


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