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Collective insights

How can we make our online board meetings more effective?

Ushi Ghoorah, Wednesday, 6th May 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective governance specialist and changemaker coach Jodie Willmer has been supporting boards and committees for many years to embrace technology, and has some sound

Collective insights

How to prevent your brand from being ignored during COVID-19

Darren Taylor, Wednesday, 29th April 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective brand specialist Darren Taylor answers the question that every organisation is now wondering – how to stay relevant and connected in with the communities

Collective insights

How can I support someone I have to let go?

Michelle Varcoe, Wednesday, 22nd April 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective recruitment specialists Michelle Varcoe and Jenni D’Orival are working with many organisations who are in transition and change, and provide some great

Collective insights

How do we continue our projects, when the world feels upside down and my staff are working from home?

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 15th April 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective CRM and fundraising specialist Stephen Mally has run hundreds of projects, and shares some reflections on how to get back to delivering on projects, now that

Collective insights

How can we package our services to make a bigger impact?

Laura Trotta, Thursday, 9th April 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective specialist member and packaging expert Laura Trotta shares three ways thought leaders and organisations can make a bigger impact by packaging their services

Collective insights

How can we ensure the success of our major gifts program in this period of physical distancing?

Teisha Archer, Wednesday, 1st April 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective major gifts fundraising specialist Teisha Archer looks at the ways that major gift fundraisers can adapt and innovate in a time of uncertainty and physical

Collective insights

Managing corporate partnerships in extraordinary times

Linda Garnett, Wednesday, 25th March 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective corporate partnerships specialist Linda Garnett deals with a question of concern for many organisations right now – what do we do about our corporate partnerships?

Collective insights

Do we spend now, or spend later?

Brenton Cox, Wednesday, 18th March 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective finance and accounting specialist Brenton Cox answers a common question on the tip of everyone’s tongue, as we make our way through uncertain times. According

Collective insights

Open source, SAAS or custom built – how do we chart a source in a sea of IT options?

Jacqui Blanch, Thursday, 12th March 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective specialist business member Jacqui Blanch provides a useful set of questions to help narrow down the sea of web options. It is exciting to look back across the

Collective insights

Data security and privacy regulations – What does it mean for you?

Brenda Mainland, Thursday, 5th March 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective research specialist Brenda Mainland provides a valuable set of questions that all organisations should be asking themselves, to ensure they are protected

Collective insights

How can visual models help us get more cut-through?

Renee Hancock, Wednesday, 26th February 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective intellectual property specialist Renée Hasseldine spends her days helping thought leaders make a bigger impact with their stakeholders through visual

Collective insights

How do we get our boards and executive team to better understand and value brand?

Darren Taylor, Thursday, 20th February 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective specialist member Darren Taylor answers a common question about how organisations can better achieve their organisational goals with a stronger internal
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