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Charity Inquiry - Who Will Benefit?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th March 2001 -  As a ‘small avalanche’ of submissions from both Not for Profits and business groups are being considered by the Federal Government’s Inquiry into the Definition of Charities, questions…

Volunteers Research Tool Kit

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th March 2001 -  The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Group and the US-based “INDEPENDENT SECTOR” Not for Profit organisation has released a guide called Measuring Volunteering. It is a practical…

Community Business Partnership Awards

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th March 2001 -  The deadline for nominations for the 2001 Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Community Business Partnerships is the16th of March and organisers are expecting a record number…

Equity Trustees Sets Up New 'Charity' Division

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th March 2001 -  Fund Managers, Equity Trustees has formed a Charity Division within its organisation in response to the changing trends in the Not for Profit sector. EQT has appointed the former…

Products, Offers and Free Things

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th March 2001 -  Finding things we need to help our jobs can often take precious time and resources. From time to time Pro Bono Australia will tell you about offers, resources and free things we’ve spotted…

Pro Bono Work - Duty or Obligation?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th March 2001 -  University of NSW Law Students who took part in the Practicing in the Public Interest Course last year were required to produce a research essay for critical analysis. Fourth year…

Advocacy Group Calls for Caution in Inquiry

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th February 2001 -  The Women’s Legal Resource Centre has told the Federal Government’s Inquiry into the Definition of Charities that there is a need for much greater clarity about what constitutes…

Giving - Small Business Versus Corporate Giant

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th February 2001 -  A far-reaching study into the relationship between small business and Not for Profits in Australia reveals that small firms contribute more than $1 billion a year in cash and $2 billion…

Law By Telecommunications

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th February 2001 -  The Federal Government is to establish a free national telephone hotline and Internet service on where to go for legal advice within the next six months. The Government says its $6.1…

New FBT Rules

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th February 2001 -  From 1 April 2001 there will be a ‘cap’ on the level of fringe benefits for which public benevolent institutions and charities can receive concessional FBT treatment. Kathy Quigley…

Philanthropy Think Tank Links the World

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th February 2001 -  The ePhilanthropy Foundation.Org in the US is preparing for an international Think Tank Open Forum and if you can’t be there in person you can take part via the telephone. The Forum…
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