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UN Volunteer Study - A Call for Contributions

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  As part of the preparations for the International Year of Volunteers in 2001, the United Nations is conducting a number of research projects on the role of volunteers in social development.…

Writing A Fundraising Proposal with the Experts

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  Do you recognise this scenario? A fabulous project idea, an enthusiastic team behind it, all the application forms and the grant-makers details and then the long-winded funding…

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  In Victoria, the Melbourne City Council has launched a web site that aims to tap into the city’s generous spirit and link up people with new ways of ‘donating’. says the ways…

Pro Bono Law Task Force

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  The Federal Attorney General, Daryl Williams QC has announced the membership of a task force to examine pro bono law projects. The task force is made up of representatives from the…

Australian Researcher at US Conference

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  When ANU researcher Natalie Buckmaster delivers her paper to the annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organisations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) in…

Sir Zelman's Voice of Experience Address

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  The Saint James Ethics Centre’s tenth anniversary Annual lecture is about to break from tradition with a dynamic new format. This year organisers are featuring a dialogue between…


Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  Just a reminder that the FIA Focus on Fundraising workshop in Melbourne on November 1st is filling up fast. It’s a beginner’s course for setting up and developing a donor program. The…

The Corporate Citizen Magazine

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  After three years of dissecting and analysing Corporate Citizenship at Deakin University in Victoria, Mark Glazebrook has produced something on the topic that he says doesn’t already…

Olympic Winner! The Flying Doctor

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th October 2000 -  When the Olympic Games transfix the eyes of the world for two weeks, odds are that fundraising campaigns slide onto the back burner. Not so for the quick thinking Royal Flying Doctor…

Rural Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th October 2000 -  An innovative philanthropic body set up this year to support the social and economic regeneration of rural and regional communities in Australia has awarded $500,000 in grants across…

Olympic-Free Zone for Walhalla

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th October 2000 -  While the Olympics proved to be fundraising boon for the Flying Doctors, spare a thought for the tiny gold-rush town of Walhalla in Victoria. The last town in the state to be put on to…

Mapping Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th October 2000 -  Researcher Anthony Hooper from Deakin University in Victoria has begun a project to identify and map the nature of philanthropy in Australia. In a joint project with Philanthropy…
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