A sector survey, an industry plan and liveable futures

20 September 2021 at 5:11 pm
All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
ACOSS and the COSS Network have opened the 2021 Australian Community Sector Survey, which will remain open until 24 September. The Australian Community Sector Survey is the longest running survey of the community sector – by the community sector – for the community sector and communities we serve. This 2021 survey is a vital opportunity for us to compare changes in the community sector between 2019 and now. The survey covers the impacts of changes to funding structures, demand on services, emerging needs and pressures and sector priorities. It takes roughly 10-15 minutes to complete, but will have a long-lasting influence on how we shape our advocacy. Take the survey here.
In an important milestone, the Tasmanian government and the community services industry have released a 10-year Community Services Industry Plan (2021-2031) to guide industry development, recruit and train the growing workforce and to futureproof the delivery of much-needed services to Tasmanians in need. The Industry Plan is a Tasmanian first and provides a clear, coherent vision – shared by the peak bodies, community service organisations and the Tasmanian government – for the next decade.
SACOSS has recently opened registrations for its upcoming Liveable Futures conference (18 November) which will look at new opportunities to ensure a decarbonised economy is inclusive and does not leave people behind. This conference will explore how the low carbon transition can address existing disadvantage by including the experiences and voices of those most impacted by climate change.
With Premier and Treasurer Mark McGowan posting a record budget surplus of $5.6 billion, there was an expectation that this year’s budget would give back to the community in a big way and in some respects it did not disappoint. There was a massive injection of investment into social housing, the health system and action on climate change as well as a promising shift towards funding proven early intervention measures like Home-Stretch and Olabud Doogethu. WACOSS has prepared a series of in-depth fact sheets and a media release to break down the 2021 WA State Budget which can be found here.
The SSTF Advisory and Information Service (Tranche 3) will provide free support to small to medium social service NGOs to assist them to grow capability, effectiveness and sustainability. From technology support to legal advice and assistance with governance, strategy and workforce development, there are a wealth of offerings that you may be interested in. Provided by experts and free of charge! Check it out here and register for information updates via the online form: SSTF Update.
The Gold Coast Homeless Network (GCHN) has coordinated vaccination clinics to protect some of the most vulnerable members of the community from COVID-19. Working together with the network, QCOSS coordinated a range of GCHN members to run the pop-up clinic at Ashben Medical Centre in Benowa, with transport provided by Serving Our People to get people to and from their appointments. It’s the first of several pop-up clinics which are being held over the coming weeks to administer Pfizer vaccinations to dozens of people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness. Read more here.
NTCOSS tweeted from the Women’s Safety Summit last week: “It has been a big few days with the NT delegates at the Women’s Safety Summit. The Fed Government says it’s not about more money – but action requires investment. Platitudes won’t protect women or end domestic, family and sexual violence.” Click here to see more.
ACTCOSS has provided a COVID-19 update in light of recent lockdown announcements. Additional financial support announced for extended lockdown includes an additional one-off $200 increase in the utilities concession. Also, rent relief will be provided until 31 December 2021 for tenants of ACT Property Group impacted by COVID-19. If your organisation is experiencing immediate financial pressures as a result of COVID-19, please contact your contract manager, relevant ACT minister and ACTCOSS (ceo@actcoss.org.au).
Engaging with culturally diverse and Aboriginal people in a tailored, safe and appropriate manner is crucial to ensuring those communities don’t get left behind as the nation races towards an 80 per cent COVID vaccine target, a VCOSS forum of health experts has heard. The Vaccinating Victoria event was also told there’s a frustrating lack of access to accurate data for organisations, such as the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), when it comes to knowing where to focus its vaccination efforts. Learn more here.
This article was contributed by ACOSS Community Hub.