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Human Rights Resources for Disability Workers

8 October 2013 at 4:06 pm
Staff Reporter
The peak body for Not for Profit disability support providers, National Disability Services, has developed two free human rights resources for disability support workers.

Staff Reporter | 8 October 2013 at 4:06 pm


Human Rights Resources for Disability Workers
8 October 2013 at 4:06 pm

The peak body for Not for Profit disability support providers, National Disability Services, has developed two free human rights resources for disability support workers.

The two resources include: an online human rights training program for disability support workers in Victoria; and a human rights video for board members of disability service providers.

This free online training program explores what human rights are and how disability support workers can apply them in day to day practice.

The online training involves:

  • Five interactive online training modules;
  • Each module takes about 20 minutes to complete;
  • They can be done all at once or spaced out over time;
  • The course can be completed individually, in pairs or as a team.

The peak body says NFP Boards have a critical role to play in creating a human rights culture within their organisations.

A 15-minute video explores the what, why and how of adopting human rights based approaches. It includes interviews with people with disability, a CEO and Board Members. It is designed to start a conversation around human rights at your board.

A state specific online training program was developed for service providers in both Victoria and NSW. This project is supported by the Victorian Government, NSW Industry Development Fund, NSW Government Family and Community Services Ageing, and Disability and Home Care.

The resources are available here.

Staff Reporter  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews


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