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Post-Election Poll Shows Support for Crossbench Negotiations

6 July 2016 at 11:34 am
Wendy Williams
The majority of Labor, Green and Independent voters would prefer negotiations with crossbench MPs rather than calling another election, according to a new poll.

Wendy Williams | 6 July 2016 at 11:34 am


Post-Election Poll Shows Support for Crossbench Negotiations
6 July 2016 at 11:34 am

The majority of Labor, Green and Independent voters would prefer negotiations with crossbench MPs rather than calling another election, according to a new poll.

Man voting

In a post-election survey of 2,875 voters from across Australia, The Australia Institute found 47 per cent said they supported negotiations with independents and minor parties to form government, while 46.3 per cent said “call another election”.

When this was broken down by party, the survey found 52.1 per cent of Labor respondents and 66.9 per cent of Greens preferred to negotiate, while 58.5 per cent of Coalition voters preferred to call another election.

The Australia Institute executive director Ben Oquist said despite the strong pitch for majority government from the leaders of both the Coalition and Labor, a “high number of people” want negotiations to occur with the crossbench.

“While Mr Shorten and Mr Turnbull might prefer majority government, the Australian public have elected their preferred parliamentarians,” Oquist said.

“Given the makeup of the Parliament, stability requires cooler heads to prevail and negotiations remains the most likely outcome.”

Post election poll

The survey also asked voters whether the Senate should pass, oppose or amend the Turnbull Coalition’s proposed $48 billion company tax cuts.

It found less than one-third of Australians supported the passage of the tax cuts.

Meanwhile, 64 per cent of respondents voted to keep the Gonski needs-based funding for schools.

And more than half (58 per cent) of respondents supported a 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030. Just 24 per cent were opposed.

Oquist said the poll also showed “a resounding rejection” of the proposal to cut company tax rates for big business, while there was strong support for Gonski and renewable energy across the political spectrum.

“Throughout the election the strong support for renewables was widely apparent across diverse electorates. This poll demonstrates that whoever forms government they will be under pressure to invest more in renewable energy, not less,” Oquist said.

“The poll also makes clear that the public is firmly behind the full Gonski education plan with 64 per cent saying the Senate should vote to retain the Gonski spending commitment.

“This poll further demonstrates that, like the majority of economists, the public sees greater benefit from investing in services than corporate tax cuts.”

The findings come as the managing director and CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, John Brogden, has called on the government, opposition, independent and minor parties to agree to a swift resolution of the election and form a government as a matter of urgency.

“This election result is the worst possible outcome for Australia. We need certainty and an environment for long-term policy making,” Brogden said.

“With the chance of another hung Parliament a real option, Malcolm Turnbull, Bill Shorten and the crossbench MPs in the House of Representatives must give a commitment they will move swiftly to form a government. Australia cannot afford weeks or months of uncertainty.

“For the sake of our domestic economy and international reputation we need a swift outcome.

“The last time this happened in 2010 it took weeks to form a government. Australia can’t wait. We need our leaders and decision-makers to think of the country rather than their own agendas.”

It has been reported that the result could still be a week away with three million votes still to be counted.

Meanwhile Treasurer Scott Morrison has said the Coalition is still likely to form a majority government.

He claimed on Wednesday that the government would work with and respect every member and senator that has been elected.

“The prime minister is talking to crossbenchers, he’s talking to his colleagues, he’s preparing to re-form the government and we believe there’s every likelihood that could be done as a majority,” Morrison told Sky News.

Wendy Williams  |  Editor  |  @WendyAnWilliams

Wendy Williams is a journalist specialising in the not-for-profit sector and broader social economy. She has been the editor of Pro Bono News since 2018.

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